Sandhya N
Sandhya N
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, VNRVJIET
確認したメール アドレス: vnrvjiet.in
From blackbox to explainable AI in healthcare: existing tools and case studies
PN Srinivasu, N Sandhya, RH Jhaveri, R Raut
Mobile Information Systems 2022 (1), 8167821, 2022
Analysis of Similarity Measures with WordNet based Text Document Clustering
AG N.Sandhya
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 132, 2012
A semantic word processing using enhanced cat swarm optimization algorithm for automatic text clustering
CH Vidyadhari, N Sandhya, P Premchand
Multimedia Research 2 (4), 23-32, 2019
Analysis of Stemming Algorithm for Text Clustering
AG N.Sandhya, Y.Srilalitha, K.Anuradha
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues 8 (Issue 5, No 1), 2011
Analysis of similarity measures for text clustering
N Sandhya, YS Lalitha, A Govardhan, K Anuradha
CSC Journals 2, 2008
Prediction of mechanical properties of steel using data science techniques
N Sandhya, V Sowmya, CR Bandaru, GR Babu
Int. J. Recent Technol. Eng 8 (3), 235-241, 2019
Literature review and analysis on big data stream classification techniques
B Srivani, N Sandhya, B Padmaja Rani
International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems …, 2020
Subset K-Means Approach for handling Imbalanced Distributed Data
AG N.Sandhya
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 338, 497-508, 2015
Analysis of Variant Approaches for Initial Centroid Selection in K-Means Clustering Algorithm
N Sandhya, M Raja Sekar
Smart Computing and Informatics: Proceedings of the First International …, 2018
Particle Grey Wolf Optimizer (PGWO) Algorithm and Semantic Word Processing for Automatic Text Clustering
CVNSP Premchand
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems …, 2019
Rank Analysis Through Polyanalyst using Linear Regression
AG N.Sandhya, K.Anuradha, Althaf Hussain Basha,P.Premchand
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 9, 2009
An effective model for handling the big data streams based on the optimization-enabled spark framework
B Srivani, N Sandhya, B Padmaja Rani
Intelligent System Design: Proceedings of Intelligent System Design: INDIA …, 2021
Hybrid deep WaveNet-LSTM architecture for crop yield prediction
BS Devi, N Sandhya, KS Chatrapati
Multimedia Tools and Applications 83 (7), 19161-19179, 2024
Tongue image analysis for hepatitis detection using GA-SVM
N Sandhya, M Rajasekar
Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) 8 (4), 526-534, 2017
Care-giver alerting for bedridden patients using hand gesture recognition system
E Spandana, M Rajasekar, N Sandhya
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1921 (1), 012077, 2021
Automatic Incremental Clustering Using Bat-Grey Wolf Optimizer-Based MapReduce Framework for Effective Management of High-Dimensional Data
C Vidyadhari, N Sandhya, P Premchand
International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI) 11 (4 …, 2020
Theoretical analysis and comparative study of top 10 optimization algorithms with DMS algorithm
B Srivani, N Sandhya, B Padmaja Rani
Intelligent Decision Technologies 17 (3), 607-620, 2023
Machine Learning Framework for Stagewise Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease
NS Srithaja, N Sandhya, AB Reddy
Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive and Intelligent …, 2023
Supervised SVM classification of rainfall datasets
KHP Raju, N Sandhya, R Mehra
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 10 (15), 1-6, 2017
A case study for performance analysis of big data stream classification using spark architecture
B Srivani, N Sandhya, BP Rani
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 15 (1 …, 2024
論文 1–20