Winston Lin
Winston Lin
Senior Lecturer in Statistics and Data Science, University of Pennsylvania
確認したメール アドレス: wharton.upenn.edu - ホームページ
Agnostic notes on regression adjustments to experimental data: Reexamining Freedman’s critique
W Lin
The Annals of Applied Statistics 7 (1), 295-318, 2013
The benefits and costs of JTPA Title II-A programs: Key findings from the National Job Training Partnership Act study
HS Bloom, LL Orr, SH Bell, G Cave, F Doolittle, W Lin, JM Bos
Journal of Human Resources, 549-576, 1997
Does training for the disadvantaged work? Evidence from the National JTPA Study
LL Orr, HS Bloom, SH Bell, F Doolittle, W Lin, G Cave
Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press, 1996
Unsupervised learning of generalized names
R Yangarber, W Lin, R Grishman
Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Computational …, 2002
Family Options Study: Short-Term Impacts of Housing and Services Interventions for Homeless Families
D Gubits, M Shinn, S Bell, M Wood, S Dastrup, CD Solari, SR Brown, ...
US Department of Housing and Urban Development: Office of Policy Development …, 2015
Standard operating procedures: A safety net for pre-analysis plans
W Lin, DP Green
PS: Political Science & Politics 49 (3), 495-500, 2016
Bootstrapped learning of semantic classes from positive and negative examples
W Lin, R Yangarber, R Grishman
Proceedings of ICML-2003 Workshop on The Continuum from Labeled to Unlabeled …, 2003
The National JTPA Study: Overview: Impacts, Benefits, and Costs of Title II-A
HS Bloom, LL Orr, G Cave, SH Bell, F Doolittle, W Lin
Bethesda, MD: Abt Associates, 1994
When financial incentives encourage work: Complete 18-month findings from the Self-Sufficiency Project
W Lin, PK Robins, D Card, K Harknett, S Lui-Gurr
Social Research and Demonstration Corporation, 1998
The National JTPA Study: Impacts, Benefits, and Costs of Title II-A
LL Orr, H Bloom, S Bell, W Lin, G Cave, F Doolittle
Abt Associates, 1994
Do Work Incentives Have Unintended Consequences?
G Berlin, W Bancroft, D Card, W Lin, PK Robins
Self, 1998
The GAIN evaluation: Five-year impacts on employment, earnings and AFDC receipt
S Freedman, D Friedlander, W Lin, A Schweder
New York: MDRC, 1996
A “placement of death” approach for studies of treatment effects on ICU length of stay
W Lin, SD Halpern, MP Kerlin, DS Small
Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 0962280214545121, 2014
Standard Operating Procedures for Don Green’s Lab at Columbia
W Lin, DP Green, A Coppock
Version 1.04, 2015
How Important Are “Entry Effects” in Financial Incentive Programs for Welfare Recipients
D Card, PK Robins, W Lin
Experimental Evidence from the Self-Sufficiency Project, 1997
BOND Implementation and Evaluation: First-and Second-Year Snapshot of Earnings and Benefit Impacts for Stage 2
D Gubits, W Lin, S Bell, D Judkins
Submitted to the Social Security Administration. Cambridge, MA: Abt …, 2014
Increased mortality with resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta only mitigated by strong unmeasured confounding: An expanded analysis using the National …
GC Linderman, W Lin, RD Becher, AA Maung, B Bhattacharya, KA Davis, ...
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 91 (5), 790-797, 2021
Understanding Causal Distributional and Subgroup Effects with the Instrumental Propensity Score
J Cheng, W Lin
American Journal of Epidemiology, 2017
Optimal Allocation of Interviews to Baseline and Endline Surveys in Place-Based Randomized Trials and Quasi-Experiments
DP Green, W Lin, C Gerber
Evaluation review 42 (4), 391-422, 2018
Essays on Causal Inference in Randomized Experiments
W Lin
University of California, 2013
論文 1–20