Marta Bianchi
Marta Bianchi
RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden
確認したメール アドレス: ri.se
Total antioxidant capacity of plant foods, beverages and oils consumed in Italy assessed by three different in vitro assays
N Pellegrini, B Colombi, D Del Rio, S Salvatore, M Bianchi, F Brighenti, ...
The Journal of nutrition 133 (9), 2812-2819, 2003
Total antioxidant capacity of spices, dried fruits, nuts, pulses, cereals and sweets consumed in Italy assessed by three different in vitro assays
N Pellegrini, M Serafini, S Salvatore, D Del Rio, M Bianchi, F Brighenti
Molecular nutrition & food research 50 (11), 1030-1038, 2006
Food selection based on total antioxidant capacity can modify antioxidant intake, systemic inflammation, and liver function without altering markers of oxidative stress
S Valtuena, N Pellegrini, L Franzini, MA Bianchi, D Ardigo, D Del Rio, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 87 (5), 1290-1297, 2008
Application of the 2, 2 ‘-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) radical cation assay to a flow injection system for the evaluation of antioxidant activity of some …
N Pellegrini, D Del Rio, B Colombi, M Bianchi, F Brighenti
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51 (1), 260-264, 2003
Evaluation of antioxidant capacity of some fruit and vegetable foods: efficiency of extraction of a sequence of solvents
N Pellegrini, B Colombi, S Salvatore, OV Brenna, G Galaverna, D Del Rio, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 87 (1), 103-111, 2007
Effects of the regular consumption of wholemeal wheat foods on cardiovascular risk factors in healthy people
R Giacco, G Clemente, D Cipriano, D Luongo, D Viscovo, L Patti, ...
Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 20 (3), 186-194, 2010
Food selection based on high total antioxidant capacity improves endothelial function in a low cardiovascular risk population
L Franzini, D Ardigo, S Valtuena, N Pellegrini, D Del Rio, MA Bianchi, ...
Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 22 (1), 50-57, 2012
Rapid fluorimetric method to detect total plasma malondialdehyde with mild derivatization conditions
D Del Rio, N Pellegrini, B Colombi, M Bianchi, M Serafini, F Torta, ...
Clinical chemistry 49 (4), 690-692, 2003
Assessing seafood nutritional diversity together with climate impacts informs more comprehensive dietary advice
M Bianchi, E Hallström, RWR Parker, K Mifflin, P Tyedmers, F Ziegler
Communications Earth & Environment 3 (1), 188, 2022
Nutritional assessment of plant-based meat analogues on the Swedish market
S Bryngelsson, H Moshtaghian, M Bianchi, E Hallström
International journal of food sciences and nutrition 73 (7), 889-901, 2022
A fluorescence‐based method for the detection of adhesive properties of lactic acid bacteria to Caco‐2 cells
MA Bianchi, D Del Rio, N Pellegrini, G Sansebastiano, E Neviani, ...
Letters in Applied Microbiology 39 (3), 301-305, 2004
In vitro bioaccessibility of phenolics and vitamins from durum wheat aleurone fractions
M Zaupa, F Scazzina, M Dall’Asta, L Calani, D Del Rio, MA Bianchi, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 62 (7), 1543-1549, 2014
Systematic evaluation of nutrition indicators for use within food LCA studies
M Bianchi, A Strid, A Winkvist, AK Lindroos, U Sonesson, E Hallström
Sustainability 12 (21), 8992, 2020
The climate impact of excess food intake-An avoidable environmental burden
N Sundin, M Rosell, M Eriksson, C Jensen, M Bianchi
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 174, 105777, 2021
Ability of a high-total antioxidant capacity diet to increase stool weight and bowel antioxidant status in human subjects
MA Bianchi, F Scazzina, D Del Rio, S Valtuena, N Pellegrini, L Franzini, ...
British journal of nutrition 104 (10), 1500-1507, 2010
Sustainability indicators for foods benefiting climate and health
A Strid, E Hallström, U Sonesson, J Sjons, A Winkvist, M Bianchi
Sustainability 13 (7), 3621, 2021
Diets benefiting health and climate relate to longevity in northern Sweden
A Strid, I Johansson, M Bianchi, U Sonesson, E Hallström, B Lindahl, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 114 (2), 515-529, 2021
Wheat aleurone polyphenols increase plasma eicosapentaenoic acid in rats
F Ounnas, F Privé, P Salen, F Hazane-Puch, F Laporte, E Fontaine, ...
Food & nutrition research 58 (1), 24604, 2014
A nutritional intervention programme at a worksite canteen to promote a healthful lifestyle inspired by the traditional Mediterranean diet
M Vitale, MA Bianchi, V Rapetti, JM Pepe, A Giacco, R Giacco, G Riccardi
International journal of food sciences and nutrition 69 (1), 117-124, 2018
Choice of health metrics for combined health and environmental assessment of foods and diets: a systematic review of methods
A Guo, S Bryngelsson, A Strid, M Bianchi, A Winkvist, E Hallström
Journal of Cleaner Production 365, 132622, 2022
論文 1–20