Giancarlo Gentile
Giancarlo Gentile
Ph.D. student
確認したメール アドレス: polimi.it - ホームページ
Extractives extend the applicability of multistep kinetic scheme of biomass pyrolysis
PEA Debiagi, C Pecchi, G Gentile, A Frassoldati, A Cuoci, T Faravelli, ...
Energy & fuels 29 (10), 6544-6555, 2015
A predictive model of biochar formation and characterization
P Debiagi, G Gentile, A Cuoci, A Frassoldati, E Ranzi, T Faravelli
Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis 134, 326-335, 2018
Detailed kinetic mechanism of gas-phase reactions of volatiles released from biomass pyrolysis
PEA Debiagi, G Gentile, M Pelucchi, A Frassoldati, A Cuoci, T Faravelli, ...
Biomass and Bioenergy 93, 60-71, 2016
A computational framework for the pyrolysis of anisotropic biomass particles
G Gentile, PEA Debiagi, A Cuoci, A Frassoldati, E Ranzi, T Faravelli
Chemical Engineering Journal 321, 458-473, 2017
A multiregion operator-splitting CFD approach for coupling microkinetic modeling with internal porous transport in heterogeneous catalytic reactors
T Maffei, G Gentile, S Rebughini, M Bracconi, F Manelli, S Lipp, A Cuoci, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 283, 1392-1404, 2016
Fully-resolved simulations of coal particle combustion using a detailed multi-step approach for heterogeneous kinetics
GL Tufano, OT Stein, A Kronenburg, G Gentile, A Stagni, A Frassoldati, ...
Fuel 240, 75-83, 2019
CFD Analysis of the Channel Shape Effect in Monolith Catalysts for the CH4 Partial Oxidation on Rh
T Maffei, S Rebughini, G Gentile, S Lipp, A Cuoci, M Maestri
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 86 (7), 1099-1106, 2014
A comprehensive CFD model for the biomass pyrolysis
G Gentile, A Cuoci, A Frassoldati, T Faravelli, E Ranzi
Chemical Engineering Transactions 43, 445-450, 2015
A CFD model for biomass flame-combustion analysis
G Gentile, PEA Debiagi, A Cuoci, A Frassoldati, T Faravelli, E Ranzi
Chemical Engineering Transactions 50, 49-54, 2016
Yield, composition and active surface area of char from biomass pyrolysis
PEA Debiagi, G Gentile, A Cuoci, A Frassoldati, E Ranzi, T Faravelli
Chemical Engineering Transactions 65, 97-102, 2018
A falling particle receiver thermal model for system-level analysis of solar tower plants
O Pasqualotto, F Sobic, G Gentile, M Binotti, A Giostri, G Manzolini
Solar Energy 268, 112117, 2024
A comprehensive methodology for the design of solar tower external receivers
G Gentile, G Picotti, M Binotti, ME Cholette, G Manzolini
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 193, 114153, 2024
Thermal and creep-fatigue analysis of external receivers for solar tower plants
G Gentile
Politecnico di Milano, 2019
An efficient computational framework for the advanced modeling and design of industrial catalytic reactors
Politecnico di Milano, 2012
Falling particle and sodium billboard receivers for polar-field solar tower plants: A techno-economic comparison
F Sobic, G Gentile, M Binotti, A Giostri, O Pasqualotto, G Manzolini
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 211, 115207, 2025
Limitations of using LCOE as economic indicator for solar power plants
G Manzolini, G Gentile, L Pilotti, E Martelli, G Picotti, M Binotti, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 209, 115087, 2025
Actual cost of electricity: An economic index to overcome levelized cost of electricity limits
G Manzolini, M Binotti, G Gentile, G Picotti, L Pilotti, ME Cholette
Iscience 27 (6), 2024
A methodology for the creep-fatigue analysis of external receivers for solar tower plants using real weather data
G Gentile, G Picotti, M Binotti, ME Cholette, TA Steinberg, G Manzolini
AIP Conference Proceedings 2815 (1), 2023
A Maintenance Policy for Central Tower Receiver Subjected to Creep-Fatigue Damage
H Truong-Ba, G Picotti, ME Cholette, G Gentile, G Manzolini
SolarPACES Conference Proceedings 2, 2023
Advanced Controllers for Heat Transfer Fluid Mass Flow Rate Control in Solar Tower Receivers
CB Anderson, G Gentile, A Longhi, F Casella, ME Cholette, G Manzolini
SolarPACES Conference Proceedings 2, 2023
論文 1–20