Malik Anjelh Baqiya
Malik Anjelh Baqiya
確認したメール アドレス: physics.its.ac.id
Pengaruh penambahan larutan MgCl2 pada sintesis kalsium karbonat presipitat berbahan dasar batu kapur dengan metode karbonasi
NF Apriliani, MA Baqiya, D Darminto
Jurnal sains dan seni ITS 1 (1), B30-B34, 2012
Structural study on graphene-based particles prepared from old coconut shell by acid–assisted mechanical exfoliation
MA Baqiya, AY Nugraheni, W Islamiyah, AF Kurniawan, MM Ramli, ...
Advanced Powder Technology 31 (5), 2072-2078, 2020
Strong Electron Correlation behind the Superconductivity in Ce-Free and Ce-Underdoped High-Tc T′-Cuprates
T Adachi, A Takahashi, KM Suzuki, MA Baqiya, T Konno, T Takamatsu, ...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 85 (11), 114716, 2016
Pengaruh Temperatur dan Laju Aliran Gas CO2 pada Sintesis Kalsium Karbonat Presipitat dengan Metode Bubbling
Q Lailiyah, MA Baqiya, D Darminto
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 1 (1), B6-B10, 2012
Defect and magnetic properties of reduced graphene oxide prepared from old coconut shell
A Maulana, AY Nugraheni, DN Jayanti, S Mustofa, MA Baqiya
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 196 (1), 012021, 2017
Enhanced magnetism by temperature induced defects in reduced graphene oxide prepared from coconut shells
R Asih, MA Baqiya, S Mustofa, T Kawamata, M Kato, I Watanabe, Y Koike
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 54 (10), 1-5, 2018
XRD line‐broadening characteristics of M‐oxides Mg‐Al, Y, Fe) nanoparticles produced by coprecipitation method
S Pratapa, L Susanti, YAS Insany, Z Alfiati, B Hartono, Mashuri, A Taufiq, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1284 (1), 125-128, 2010
Preparing Nanoparticles from Ions Source by Co‐precipitation Process in Various pH
Darminto, MN Cholishoh, FA Perdana, MA Baqiya, Mashuri, Y Cahyono, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1415 (1), 234-237, 2011
Mesostructural study on graphenic-based carbon prepared from coconut shells by heat treatment and liquid exfoliation
D Ristiani, R Asih, F Astuti, MA Baqiya, C Kaewhan, S Tunmee, ...
Heliyon 8 (3), 2022
Photoluminescence of reduced graphene oxide prepared from old coconut shell with carbonization process at varying temperatures
DN Jayanti, AY Nugraheni, MA Baqiya
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 196 (1), 012005, 2017
Extended superconducting dome revealed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of electron-doped cuprates prepared by the protect annealing method
C Lin, T Adachi, M Horio, T Ohgi, MA Baqiya, T Kawamata, H Sato, ...
Physical Review Research 3 (1), 013180, 2021
AIP conference proceedings
AG Malikov, AM Orishich, IE Vitoshkin, EV Karpov
Comparative study on magnetism of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) prepared from coconut shells and the commercial product
R Asih, EB Yutomo, D Ristiani, MA Baqiya, T Kawamata, M Kato, ...
Materials Science Forum 966, 290-295, 2019
A simple dissolved metals mixing method to produce high-purity nanocrystals
S Pratapa, MA Baqiya, Istianah, R Lestari, R Angela
AIP Conference Proceedings 1586 (1), 39-42, 2014
Observation of resonant exciton and correlated plasmon yielding correlated plexciton in amorphous silicon with various hydrogen content
S Prayogi, R Asih, B Priyanto, MA Baqiya, MA Naradipa, Y Cahyono, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 21497, 2022
Local structure analysis of BO6 (B = Fe, Cu) octahedron correlated with the magnetic properties of Cu-doped Ba0.5Sr0.5FeO3–δ
F Fitriana, M Zainuri, MA Baqiya, M Kato, P Kidkhunthod, S Suasmoro
Bulletin of Materials Science 43, 1-9, 2020
Introduction of Na⁺ in Reduced Graphene Oxide Prepared From Coconut Shells and Its Magnetic Properties
D Ristiani, R Asih, NS Puspitasari, MA Baqiya, M Kato, Y Koike, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 56 (7), 1-6, 2020
Synthesis of green Fe3+/glucose/rGO electrode for supercapacitor application assisted by chemical exfoliation process from burning coconut shell
G Putra, HY Pradana, DET Soenaryo, MA Baqiya, D Darminto
AIP Conference Proceedings 1945 (1), 2018
Ferromagnetism in 2212 phase Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O nano-superconductors
MA Baqiya, H Widodo, L Rochmawati, Darminto, T Adachi, Y Koike
AIP Conference Proceedings 1454 (1), 260-263, 2012
Preparing Fe3O4 Nanoparticles from Fe2+ Ions Source by Co-precipitation Process in Various pH
MN Cholishoh, FA Perdana, MA Baqiya, MY Cahyono
The 4th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Symposium (NNS2011): an International …, 2011
論文 1–20