Stephane Shepherd
Stephane Shepherd
Professor of Forensic Psychology and Criminology, Deakin University
確認したメール アドレス: swin.edu.au
The challenge of cultural competence in the workplace: perspectives of healthcare providers
SM Shepherd, C Willis-Esqueda, D Newton, D Sivasubramaniam, ...
BMC health services research 19, 1-11, 2019
Forensic risk assessment and cultural diversity: Contemporary challenges and future directions.
SM Shepherd, R Lewis-Fernandez
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 22 (4), 427, 2016
The impact of indigenous cultural identity and cultural engagement on violent offending
SM Shepherd, RH Delgado, J Sherwood, Y Paradies
BMC public health 18, 1-7, 2018
Racial and cultural minority experiences and perceptions of health care provision in a mid-western region
SM Shepherd, C Willis-Esqueda, Y Paradies, D Sivasubramaniam, ...
International journal for equity in health 17, 1-10, 2018
Violence risk assessment in Australian Aboriginal offender populations: A review of the literature.
SM Shepherd, Y Adams, E McEntyre, R Walker
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 20 (3), 281, 2014
The utility of the SAVRY across ethnicity in Australian young offenders.
SM Shepherd, S Luebbers, M Ferguson, JRP Ogloff, M Dolan
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 20 (1), 31, 2014
The role of protective factors and the relationship with recidivism for high-risk young people in detention
SM Shepherd, S Luebbers, JRP Ogloff
Criminal Justice and Behavior 43 (7), 863-878, 2016
Psychopathy, antisocial personality disorder, and reconviction in an Australian sample of forensic patients
SM Shepherd, RE Campbell, JRP Ogloff
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology 62 (3 …, 2018
Does the youth level of service/case management inventory generalize across ethnicity?
SM Shepherd, JP Singh, R Fullam
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 14 (3), 193-204, 2015
Gender and ethnicity in juvenile risk assessment
SM Shepherd, S Luebbers, M Dolan
Criminal Justice and Behavior 40 (4), 388-408, 2013
The predictive validity of risk assessment approaches for young Australian offenders
SM Shepherd, S Luebbers, JRP Ogloff, R Fullam, M Dolan
Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 21 (5), 801-817, 2014
Maori and Pacific Islander overrepresentation in the Australian criminal justice system—what are the determinants?
SM Shepherd, T Ilalio
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 55 (2), 113-128, 2016
Indigenous perspectives on violence risk assessment: A thematic analysis
SM Shepherd, C Willis-Esqueda
Punishment & Society 20 (5), 599-627, 2018
Disentangling psychopathy from antisocial personality disorder: An Australian analysis
JRP Ogloff, RE Campbell, SM Shepherd
Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice 16 (3), 198-215, 2016
Popping the cultural bubble of violence risk assessment tools
SM Shepherd, T Anthony
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 29 (2), 211-220, 2018
Violence risk instruments may be culturally unsafe for use with Indigenous patients
SM Shepherd
Australasian Psychiatry 24 (6), 565-567, 2016
Assessing the mental health, substance abuse, cognitive functioning, and social/emotional well-being needs of aboriginal prisoners in Australia
JRP Ogloff, JE Pfeifer, SM Shepherd, J Ciorciari
Journal of Correctional Health Care 23 (4), 398-411, 2017
Cross-cultural reliability and rater bias in forensic risk assessment: A review of the literature
S Venner, D Sivasubramaniam, S Luebbers, SM Shepherd
Psychology, Crime & Law 27 (2), 105-121, 2021
Disparities in criminal justice system responses to first-time juvenile offenders according to indigenous status
N Papalia, SM Shepherd, B Spivak, S Luebbers, DE Shea, R Fullam
Criminal Justice and Behavior 46 (8), 1067-1087, 2019
The utility of the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL: YV) and the Youth Psychopathic Trait Inventory (YPI)—Is it meaningful to measure psychopathy in young offenders?
SM Shepherd, S Strand
Psychological Assessment 28 (4), 405, 2016
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