Ingeborg Waernbaum
Ingeborg Waernbaum
Professor of Statistics, Uppsala University
確認したメール アドレス: statistik.uu.se
Thirty years of prospective nationwide incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes: the accelerating increase by time tends to level off in Sweden
Y Berhan, I Waernbaum, T Lind, A Möllsten, G Dahlquist, ...
Diabetes 60 (2), 577-581, 2011
The risk of venous thromboembolism is markedly elevated in patients with diabetes
V Petrauskiene, M Falk, I Waernbaum, M Norberg, JW Eriksson
Diabetologia 48, 1017-1021, 2005
Covariate selection for the nonparametric estimation of an average treatment effect
X De Luna, I Waernbaum, TS Richardson
Biometrika 98 (4), 861-875, 2011
Signs of nephropathy may occur early in young adults with diabetes despite modern diabetes management: results from the nationwide population-based Diabetes Incidence Study in …
M Svensson, G Sundkvist, HJ Arnqvist, E Björk, G Blohmé, J Bolinder, ...
Diabetes care 26 (10), 2903-2909, 2003
Cumulative risk, age at onset, and sex-specific differences for developing end-stage renal disease in young patients with type 1 diabetes: a nationwide population-based cohort …
A Möllsten, M Svensson, I Waernbaum, Y Berhan, S Schön, L Nyström, ...
Diabetes 59 (7), 1803-1808, 2010
Model misspecification and robustness in causal inference: comparing matching with doubly robust estimation
I Waernbaum
Statistics in medicine 31 (15), 1572-1581, 2012
Formulating causal questions and principled statistical answers
E Goetghebeur, S Cessie, B De Stavola, E Moodie, I Waernbaum
Statistics in Medicine 39 (30), 4922-4948, 2020
Excess mortality in incident cases of diabetes mellitus aged 15 to 34 years at diagnosis: a population-based study (DISS) in Sweden
I Waernbaum, G Blohme, J Östman, G Sundkvist, JW Eriksson, ...
Diabetologia 49, 653-659, 2006
Perinatal risk factors for type 1 diabetes revisited: a population-based register study
I Waernbaum, G Dahlquist, T Lind
Diabetologia 62, 1173-1184, 2019
Swedish Childhood Diabetes Study G. Thirty years of prospective nationwide incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes: the accelerating increase by time tends to level off in Sweden
Y Berhan, I Waernbaum, T Lind, A Mollsten, G Dahlquist
Diabetes 60 (2), 577-81, 2011
Kommunal arbetsmarknadspolitik. Vad och för vem?
A Forslund, W Pello-Esso, R Ulomestig, U Vikman, I Waernbaum, ...
IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2019
Decreasing cumulative incidence of end-stage renal disease in young patients with type 1 diabetes in Sweden: a 38-year prospective nationwide study
C Toppe, A Möllsten, I Waernbaum, S Schön, S Gudbjörnsdottir, ...
Diabetes Care 42 (1), 27-31, 2019
Swedish Renal Registry. Cumulative risk, age at onset, and sex-specific differences for developing end-stage renal disease in young patients with type 1 diabetes: a nationwide …
A Möllsten, M Svensson, I Waernbaum
Diabetes 59 (7), 1803-1808, 2010
Data-driven algorithms for dimension reduction in causal inference
E Persson, J Häggström, I Waernbaum, X de Luna
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 105, 280-292, 2017
Propensity score model specification for estimation of average treatment effects
I Waernbaum
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 140 (7), 1948-1956, 2010
Low mean temperature rather than few sunshine hours are associated with an increased incidence of type 1 diabetes in children
I Waernbaum, G Dahlquist
European journal of epidemiology 31, 61-65, 2016
Impact of parental socioeconomic status on excess mortality in a population-based cohort of subjects with childhood-onset type 1 diabetes
YT Berhan, M Eliasson, A Möllsten, I Waernbaum, G Dahlquist
Diabetes Care 38 (5), 827-832, 2015
Estimating a marginal causal odds ratio in a case‐control design: analyzing the effect of low birth weight on the risk of type 1 diabetes mellitus
E Persson, I Waernbaum
Statistics in Medicine 32 (14), 2500-2512, 2013
Incidence of fractures among children and adolescents in rural and urban communities-analysis based on 9,965 fracture events
EM Hedström, I Waernbaum
Injury epidemiology 1, 1-5, 2014
The incidence of childhood-onset type 1 diabetes, time trends and association to population composition in Sweden – a 40-year follow-up.
I Waernbaum, T Lind, A Möllsten, G Dahlquist
Diabetologia 66, 346–353, 2022
論文 1–20