Ying Yang
Ying Yang
確認したメール アドレス: acu.edu.au
Cultural attachment: A new theory and method to understand cross-cultural competence
Y Hong, Y Fang, Y Yang, DY Phua
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 44 (6), 1024-1044, 2013
Revealing psychological inertia in mode shift behavior and its quantitative influences on commuting trips
K Gao, Y Yang, L Sun, X Qu
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 71, 272-287, 2020
In-depth analysis of drivers’ merging behavior and rear-end crash risks in work zone merging areas
J Weng, S Xue, Y Yang, X Yan, X Qu
Accident Analysis & Prevention 77, 51-61, 2015
Potential crash risks of expressway on-ramps and off-ramps: a case study in Beijing, China
X Qu, Y Yang, Z Liu, S Jin, J Weng
Safety science 70, 58-62, 2014
Cumulative prospect theory coupled with multi-attribute decision making for modeling travel behavior
K Gao, L Sun, Y Yang, F Meng, X Qu
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 148, 1-21, 2021
On the movement simulations of electric vehicles: A behavioral model-based approach
Y Xu, Y Zheng, Y Yang
Applied Energy, 116356, 2021
Spatial heterogeneity in distance decay of using bike sharing: An empirical large-scale analysis in Shanghai
K Gao, Y Yang, A Li, X Qu
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 94, 102814, 2021
Quantifying economic benefits from free-floating bike-sharing systems: A trip-level inference approach and city-scale analysis
K Gao, Y Yang, A Li, J Li, B Yu
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 144, 89-103, 2021
Potential risk and its influencing factors for separated bicycle paths
C Xu, Y Yang, S Jin, Z Qu, L Hou
Accident Analysis & Prevention 87, 59-67, 2016
Attachment orientations and dispositional gratitude: The mediating roles of perceived social support and self-esteem
L Zhang, S Zhang, Y Yang, C Li
Personality and Individual Differences 114, 193-197, 2017
Examining the influence of social norms on orderly parking behavior of dockless bike-sharing users
Y Wang, Y Yang, J Wang, M Douglas, D Su
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 147, 284-296, 2021
The joint effect of paternal and maternal parenting behaviors on school engagement among Chinese adolescents: The mediating role of mastery goal
J Wang, X Shi, Y Yang, H Zou, W Zhang, Q Xu
Frontiers in Psychology, 2019
Understanding travel behavior adjustment under COVID-19
W Yao, J Yu, Y Yang, N Chen, S Jin, Y Hu, C Bai
Communications in Transportation Research 2, 100068, 2022
Examining nonlinear and interaction effects of multiple determinants on airline travel satisfaction
K Gao, Y Yang, X Qu
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 97, 102957, 2021
Diverging effects of subjective prospect values of uncertain time and money
K Gao, Y Yang, X Qu
Communications in Transportation Research 1, 100007, 2021
Harnessing the power of Machine learning for AIS Data-Driven maritime Research: A comprehensive review
Y Yang, Y Liu, G Li, Z Zhang, Y Liu
Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review 183, 103426, 2024
Extrapolation-enhanced model for travel decision making: An ensemble machine learning approach considering behavioral theory
K Gao, Y Yang, T Zhang, A Li, X Qu
Knowledge-Based Systems 218, 106882, 2021
Data-driven interpretation on interactive and nonlinear effects of the correlated built environment on shared mobility
K Gao, Y Yang, J Gil, X Qu
Journal of Transport Geography 110, 103604, 2023
Estimation of the perceived value of transit time for containerized cargoes
S Wang, X Qu, Y Yang
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 78, 298-308, 2015
Modeling drivers’ scrambling behavior in China: An application of theory of planned behavior
W Qi, B Shen, Y Yang, X Qu
Travel Behaviour and Society 24, 164-171, 2021
論文 1–20