Anthony Kulas
Sex differences in lower extremity biomechanics during single leg landings
RJ Schmitz, AS Kulas, DH Perrin, BL Riemann, SJ Shultz
Clinical biomechanics 22 (6), 681-688, 2007
The effect of Nordic hamstring strength training on muscle architecture, stiffness, and strength
KD Seymore, ZJ Domire, P DeVita, PM Rider, AS Kulas
European journal of applied physiology 117, 943-953, 2017
Intratester and intertester reliability of clinical measures of lower extremity anatomic characteristics: implications for multicenter studies
SJ Shultz, AD Nguyen, TC Windley, AS Kulas, TL Botic, BD Beynnon
Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 16 (2), 155-161, 2006
ACL Research Retreat VII: an update on anterior cruciate ligament injury risk factor identification, screening, and prevention: March 19–21, 2015; Greensboro, NC
SJ Shultz, RJ Schmitz, A Benjaminse, M Collins, K Ford, AS Kulas
Journal of athletic training 50 (10), 1076-1093, 2015
Effects of added trunk load and corresponding trunk position adaptations on lower extremity biomechanics during drop-landings
A Kulas, P Zalewski, T Hortobagyi, P DeVita
Journal of biomechanics 41 (1), 180-185, 2008
Sex-specific abdominal activation strategies during landing
AS Kulas, RJ Schmitz, SJ Shultz, JM Henning, DH Perrin
Journal of athletic training 41 (4), 381, 2006
Trunk position modulates anterior cruciate ligament forces and strains during a single-leg squat
AS Kulas, T Hortobágyi, P DeVita
Clinical biomechanics 27 (1), 16-21, 2012
The interaction of trunk-load and trunk-position adaptations on knee anterior shear and hamstrings muscle forces during landing
AS Kulas, T Hortobágyi, P DeVita
Journal of athletic training 45 (1), 5-15, 2010
Applying the socio-ecological model to barriers to implementation of ACL injury prevention programs: a systematic review
RL Bogardus, RJ Martin, AR Richman, AS Kulas
Journal of sport and health science 8 (1), 8-16, 2019
Energy absorption as a predictor of leg impedance in highly trained females
AS Kulas, RJ Schmitz, SJ Shultz, MA Watson, DH Perrin
Journal of Applied Biomechanics 22 (3), 177-185, 2006
Reliability and precision of stress sonography of the ulnar collateral ligament
D Bica, J Armen, AS Kulas, K Youngs, Z Womack
Journal of ultrasound in medicine 34 (3), 371-376, 2015
Bilateral quadriceps and hamstrings muscle volume asymmetries in healthy individuals
AS Kulas, RJ Schmitz, SJ Shultz, JP Waxman, HM Wang, RA Kraft, ...
Journal of Orthopaedic Research® 36 (3), 963-970, 2018
Heterogeneous fascicle behavior within the biceps femoris long head at different muscle activation levels
HJ Bennett, PM Rider, ZJ Domire, P DeVita, AS Kulas
Journal of biomechanics 47 (12), 3050-3055, 2014
Kinematic analysis of functional lower body perturbations
RJ Schmitz, SJ Shultz, AS Kulas, TC Windley, DH Perrin
Clinical Biomechanics 19 (10), 1032-1039, 2004
Does chronic ankle instability influence knee biomechanics of females during inverted surface landings?
Y Li, J Ko, M Walker, C Brown, J Schmidt, SH Kim, K Simpson
International Journal of Sports Medicine 39 (13), 1009-1017, 2018
Effects of abdominal postures on lower extremity energetics during single-leg landings
AS Kulas, TC Windley, RJ Schmitz
J Sport Rehabil 14 (1), 58-71, 2005
Practice day may be unnecessary prior to testing knee extensor strength in young healthy adults
JE Hibbert, AS Kulas, PM Rider, ZJ Domire
International Biomechanics 7 (1), 58-65, 2020
Quadriceps muscle volume positively contributes to ACL volume
SJ Shultz, RJ Schmitz, AS Kulas, JD Labban, HM Wang
Journal of Orthopaedic Research® 40 (1), 268-276, 2022
Ground reaction forces, but not knee muscle activation, or sagittal knee joint stiffness differ between female dancers and basketball players during drop jumps.
JP Ambegaonkar, SJ Shultz, DH Perrin, RJ Schmitz, T Ackerman, ...
Journal of Athletic Training 43 (5), 543-544, 2008
Low levels of anterior tibial loading enhance knee extensor reflex response characteristics
SJ Shultz, TC Windley, AS Kulas, RJ Schmitz, TCV McLeod, DH Perrin
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 15 (1), 61-71, 2005
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