Xianbo Shi
Xianbo Shi
確認したメール アドレス: aps.anl.gov
A hybrid method for X-ray optics simulation: combining geometric ray-tracing and wavefront propagation
X Shi, R Reininger, M Sanchez del Rio, L Assoufid
Journal of synchrotron radiation 21 (4), 669-678, 2014
Performance calculations of the X-ray powder diffraction beamline at NSLS-II
X Shi, S Ghose, E Dooryhee
Journal of synchrotron radiation 20 (2), 234-242, 2013
X-ray optics testing beamline 1-BM at the advanced photon source
A Macrander, M Erdmann, N Kujala, S Stoupin, S Marathe, X Shi, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1741 (1), 2016
Wavefront preserving X-ray optics for Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser photon beam transport systems
D Cocco, G Cutler, MS Del Rio, L Rebuffi, X Shi, K Yamauchi
Physics Reports 974, 1-40, 2022
Probing transverse coherence of x-ray beam with 2-D phase grating interferometer
S Marathe, X Shi, MJ Wojcik, NG Kujala, R Divan, DC Mancini, ...
Optics express 22 (12), 14041-14053, 2014
Simulation of X-ray diffraction profiles for bent anisotropic crystals
M Sanchez del Rio, N Perez-Bocanegra, X Shi, V Honkimäki, L Zhang
Journal of Applied Crystallography 48 (2), 477-491, 2015
Adaptive shape control of wavefront-preserving X-ray mirrors with active cooling and heating
D Cocco, C Hardin, D Morton, L Lee, ML Ng, L Zhang, L Assoufid, ...
Optics express 28 (13), 19242-19254, 2020
Development and implementation of a portable grating interferometer system as a standard tool for testing optics at the Advanced Photon Source beamline 1-BM
L Assoufid, X Shi, S Marathe, E Benda, MJ Wojcik, K Lang, R Xu, W Liu, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (5), 2016
Cavity-based free-electron laser research and development: A Joint Argonne National Laboratory and SLAC National Laboratory collaboration
G Marcus, FJ Decker
39th Free Electron Laser Conf./FEL2019, Hamburg, Germany, 2019
Circular grating interferometer for mapping transverse coherence area of X-ray beams
X Shi, S Marathe, MJ Wojcik, NG Kujala, AT Macrander, L Assoufid
Applied Physics Letters 105 (4), 2014
Single-grating Talbot imaging for wavefront sensing and x-ray metrology
W Grizolli, X Shi, T Kolodziej, Y Shvyd'ko, L Assoufid
Advances in Metrology for X-Ray and EUV Optics VII 10385, 1038502, 2017
Single-shot x-ray phase-contrast and dark-field imaging based on coded binary phase mask
Z Qiao, X Shi, MJ Wojcik, L Rebuffi, L Assoufid
Applied Physics Letters 119 (1), 2021
A hierarchical approach for modeling X-ray beamlines: application to a coherent beamline
M Sanchez del Rio, R Celestre, M Glass, G Pirro, JR Herrera, R Barrett, ...
Journal of synchrotron radiation 26 (6), 1887-1901, 2019
Wavelet-transform-based speckle vector tracking method for X-ray phase imaging
Z Qiao, X Shi, R Celestre, L Assoufid
Optics Express 28 (22), 33053-33067, 2020
DABAM: an open-source database of X-ray mirrors metrology
M Sanchez del Rio, D Bianchi, D Cocco, M Glass, M Idir, J Metz, ...
Journal of synchrotron radiation 23 (3), 665-678, 2016
Efficiency and coherence preservation studies of Be refractive lenses for XFELO application
T Kolodziej, S Stoupin, W Grizolli, J Krzywinski, X Shi, KJ Kim, J Qian, ...
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 25 (2), 354-360, 2018
Energy of the quasi-free electron in argon, krypton and xenon
X Shi, L Li, CM Evans, GL Findley
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2007
Real-time X-ray phase-contrast imaging using SPINNet—a speckle-based phase-contrast imaging neural network
Z Qiao, X Shi, Y Yao, MJ Wojcik, L Rebuffi, MJ Cherukara, L Assoufid
Optica 9 (4), 391-398, 2022
Mutual optical intensity propagation through non-ideal mirrors
X Meng, X Shi, Y Wang, R Reininger, L Assoufid, R Tai
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 24 (5), 954-962, 2017
A ray-tracing algorithm for ab initio calculation of thermal load in undulator-based synchrotron beamlines
L Rebuffi, X Shi, M Sanchez del Rio, R Reininger
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 27 (5), 1108-1120, 2020
論文 1–20