Prof. Ripu Ranjan Sinha
Prof. Ripu Ranjan Sinha
SS Jain Subodh PG College (Affiliated to the UOR, Jaipur & RTU, Kota
確認したメール アドレス: subodhpgcollege.com - ホームページ
Heart disease prediction system using data mining techniques and intelligent fuzzy approach: a review
V Krishnaiah, G Narsimha, NS Chandra
International Journal of Computer Applications 136 (2), 43-51, 2016
Geo information systems and remote sensing: applications in environmental systems and management
P Paul, PS Aithal, A Bhimali, T Kalishankar, R Saavedra M, PSB Aremu
International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS …, 2020
Cloud computing and virtualization in agricultural space: a knowledge survey
PK Paul, PK Kumar, RR Sinha, ABP Baby, R Saavedra, B Aremu
Palgo Journal of Agriculture 4 (2), 202-206, 2016
Software defect-based prediction using logistic regression: Review and challenges
J Goyal, R Ranjan Sinha
Second International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for …, 2022
Effect of Zn+ 2 doping on structural, dielectric and electrical properties of cobalt ferrite prepared by auto combustion method
F Nayeem, A Parveez, A Chaudhuri, RR Sinha, SA Khader
Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (11), 12138-12143, 2017
Software effort estimation using machine learning techniques
RR Sinha, RK Gora
Advances in Information Communication Technology and Computing: Proceedings …, 2021
Artificial intelligence & cloud computing in environmental systems-towards healthy & sustainable development
P Paul, A Bhimali, PS Aithal, T Kalishankar, R Saavedra M
International Journal of Inclusive Development 6 (1), 01-08, 2020
Thermophilic microbes in environmental and industrial biotechnology: biotechnology of thermophiles
D Mehta, T Satyanarayana
Satyanarayana T, Littlechild J, Kaw Arabayasi Y (eds) Diversity of hot …, 2013
Agro informatics vis-à-vis Internet of Things (IoT) integration & potentialities—An analysis
PK Paul, R Saavedra, PS Aithal, RR Sinha, B Aremu
Agro-Economist 7 (1), 13-20, 2020
Agro Informatics with its Various Attributes and Emergence: Emphasizing Potentiality as a Specialization in Agricultural Sciences—A Policy Framework.
B Paul, P.K., Aithal, P.S., Sinha, R.R., Saavedra, R., Aremu
RA International Journal of Applied Sciences (ISSN 2455-4499), 14(4), 34-44 …, 2019
Why Green Computing and Green Information Sciences Have Potentialities in Academics and iSchools: Practice and Educational Perspectives
PK Paul, MK Ghose
Advances in Smart Grid and Renewable Energy: Proceedings of ETAEERE-2016 …, 2018
Environmental informatics: Educational opportunities at bachelors level—International context and Indian potentialities
P Paul, A Bhimali, PS Aithal, T Kalishankar
International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML …, 2020
Application of web usage mining for administration and improvement of online counseling website
N Kandpal, HP Singh, MS Shekhawat
Int J Appl Eng Res 14 (7), 1431-1437, 2019
Environmental informatics vis-à-vis big data analytics: The geo-spatial & sustainable solutions
P Paul, PS Aithal, A Bhimali, T Kalishankar
International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML …, 2020
Environmental informatics: Potentialities in iSchools and information science & technology programs—An analysis
PK Paul, R Saavedra, PS Aithal, B Aremu, P Baby
International Journal of Management, Technology and Social Sciences (IJMTS …, 2020
Agricultural informatics: an overview of integration of agricultural sciences and information science
P Paul, RRS Ripu Ranjan Sinha, PS Aithal, PSB Aremu, R Saavedra M
Indian Journal of Information Sources and Services 10 (1), 48-55, 2020
A survey on web usage mining: process, application and tools
N Kandpal, RR Sinha, MS Shekhawat
Suresh Gyan Vihar University Journal of Engineering & Technology 3 (1), 19-25, 2017
Agricultural robots: the applications of robotics in smart agriculture—towards more advanced agro informatics practice
P Paul, RRS Ripu Ranjan Sinha, PS Aithal, R Saavedra M, PSB Aremu, ...
Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering 9 (1), 38-44, 2020
Novel data encryption algorithm
R Goel, RR Sinha, OP Rishi
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 8 (4), 561, 2011
Cloud Service Providers: An Analysis of Some Emerging Organizations and Industries
P Paul, PS Aithal, R Saavedra M, PSB Aremu, P Baby
International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML …, 2020
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