Dr.Nupur Arora
Dr.Nupur Arora
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies-TC
確認したメール アドレス: vips.edu
Investigating consumer intention to accept mobile payment systems through unified theory of acceptance model: An Indian perspective
K Gupta, N Arora
South Asian Journal of Business Studies 9 (1), 88-114, 2020
The role of perceived benefits in formation of online shopping attitude among women shoppers in India
N Arora, A Aggarwal
South Asian Journal of Business Studies 7 (1), 91-110, 2018
Green perceived value and intention to purchase sustainable apparel among Gen Z: The moderated mediation of attitudes
N Arora, P Manchanda
Journal of Global Fashion Marketing 13 (2), 168-185, 2022
The role of perceived risk in influencing online shopping attitude among women in India
N Arora, M Rahul
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 4 (1), 98-113, 2018
Impact of Beauty Vlogger's Credibility and Popularity on eWOM Sharing Intention: The Mediating Role of Parasocial Interaction
VS Parul manchanda
Journal of Promotion Management, 1-34, 2021
Cultivating sustainability consciousness through mindfulness: An application of theory of mindful-consumption
P Manchanda, N Arora, O Nazir, JU Islam
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 75, 103527, 2023
Investigating consumer intention to adopt mobile payment systems: an Indian perspective
K Gupta, N Arora
International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation 17 (2-3 …, 2020
The impact of trust on online shopping attitude among women shoppers in India
N Arora, M Rahul
International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation 15 (3 …, 2017
Green practices at the workplace: a step towards sustainable development
S Gupta, A Aggarwal, N Arora
Pac Bus Rev Int 8, 153-159, 2016
Gamification and advergaming: an overview of the innovative brain tool in the field of advertising
A Aggarwal, N Arora
Research Anthology on Business Strategies, Health Factors, and Ethical …, 2021
Investigating senior travel behaviour through motivation opportunities ability approach: conspicuous consumption and technology self-efficacy as moderators
N Saxena, A Aggarwal, N Arora, P Manchanda
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 28 (7), 682-700, 2023
Investigating the relationship between Internal Environmental Locus of control and Behaviour towards sustainable apparel: The mediating role of intention to purchase
N Arora, P Manchanda
Transnational Marketing Journal 9 (3), 539-552, 2021
Examining role of trust in shaping online shopping attitude among women: an empirical assessment
N Arora
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 6 (5), 748-766, 2020
“I can't look at you while talking!”–fear of missing out and smartphone addiction as predictors of consumer's phubbing behavior
J Paul, P Manchanda, N Arora, A Aggarwal
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 18 (4), 666-687, 2024
Investigating consumer acceptance of NFC mobile payment apps in India: a UTAUT2 approach
K Gupta, N Arora
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 31 (3), 378-406, 2023
Investigating consumer intention to use food delivery mobile applications: an Indian perspective
N Arora, P Manchanda
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 30 (3), 407-433, 2023
Purchase habits on the Internet by gender: A literature review
N Arora, A Aggarwal, S Gupta
Pacific Business Review International 8 (10), 2016
Tapping generative AI capabilities: a study to examine continued intention to use ChatGPT in the travel planning
N Arora, P Manchanda, A Aggarwal, V Maggo
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 1-20, 2024
Fashion Vlogging for Sustainable Cosmetics: Modelling the Relationship Between Hedonic Motivation and Impulse Buying Intention with Parasocial Interaction as a Mediator
P Manchanda, N Arora, A Aggarwal
Sustainable Development Goals: The Impact of Sustainability Measures on …, 2024
“I can't look at you while talking!”–fear of missing out and smartphone addiction as predictors of consumer's phubbing behavior
P Manchanda, N Arora, A Aggarwal
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 2023
論文 1–20