Jeremy Beus
Safety climate and injuries: an examination of theoretical and empirical relationships.
JM Beus, SC Payne, ME Bergman, W Arthur Jr
Journal of applied psychology 95 (4), 713, 2010
A meta-analysis of personality and workplace safety: addressing unanswered questions.
JM Beus, LY Dhanani, MA McCord
Journal of applied psychology 100 (2), 481, 2015
A meta-analysis of sex and race differences in perceived workplace mistreatment.
MA McCord, DL Joseph, LY Dhanani, JM Beus
Journal of applied psychology 103 (2), 137, 2018
Workplace safety: A review and research synthesis
JM Beus, MA McCord, D Zohar
Organizational psychology review 6 (4), 352-381, 2016
Workplace discrimination: A meta‐analytic extension, critique, and future research agenda
LY Dhanani, JM Beus, DL Joseph
Personnel Psychology 71 (2), 147-179, 2018
Safety climate: Leading or lagging indicator of safety outcomes?
SC Payne, ME Bergman, JM Beus, JM Rodríguez, JB Henning
Journal of loss prevention in the process industries 22 (6), 735-739, 2009
The influence of organizational tenure on safety climate strength: A first look
JM Beus, ME Bergman, SC Payne
Accident Analysis & Prevention 42 (5), 1431-1437, 2010
The development and validation of a cross-industry safety climate measure: Resolving conceptual and operational issues
JM Beus, SC Payne, W Arthur Jr, GJ Muñoz
Journal of Management 45 (5), 1987-2013, 2019
Making sense of climate: A meta-analytic extension of the competing values framework
JM Beus, SJ Solomon, EC Taylor, CA Esken
Organizational Psychology Review 10 (3-4), 136-168, 2020
The shelf life of a safety climate assessment: How long until the relationship with safety–critical incidents expires?
ME Bergman, SC Payne, AB Taylor, JM Beus
Journal of business and psychology 29, 519-540, 2014
Adjusting to new work teams: Testing work experience as a multidimensional resource for newcomers
JM Beus, SM Jarrett, AB Taylor, CW Wiese
Journal of Organizational Behavior 35 (4), 489-506, 2014
Almighty dollar or root of all evil? Testing the effects of money on workplace behavior
JM Beus, DS Whitman
Journal of Management 43 (7), 2147-2167, 2017
Leading and lagging: Process safety climate–incident relationships at one year
SC Payne, ME Bergman, JM Rodríguez, JM Beus, JB Henning
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 23 (6), 806-812, 2010
The relationship between typical and maximum performance: A meta-analytic examination
JM Beus, DS Whitman
Human Performance 25 (5), 355-376, 2012
Perceptual equivalence of psychological climates within groups: When agreement indices do not agree
JM Beus, SM Jarrett, ME Bergman, SC Payne
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 85 (3), 454-471, 2012
Working safely at some times and unsafely at others: A typology and within-person process model of safety-related work behaviors.
JM Beus, WD Taylor
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 23 (3), 402, 2018
Personality as a multilevel predictor of climate: An examination in the domain of workplace safety
JM Beus, GJ Muñoz, W Arthur Jr
Group & Organization Management 40 (5), 625-656, 2015
Clash of the climates: Examining the paradoxical effects of climates for promotion and prevention
JM Beus, L Lucianetti, W Arthur Jr
Personnel Psychology 73 (2), 241-269, 2020
Climate-context congruence: Examining context as a boundary condition for climate-performance relationships.
JM Beus, EC Taylor, SJ Solomon
Journal of Applied Psychology 106 (9), 1332, 2021
Integrating organizational climate theory: A domain-independent explanation for climate formation and function.
JM Beus, JH Smith, EC Taylor
Journal of Applied psychology, 2023
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