Mariusz P. Furmanek
Mariusz P. Furmanek
確認したメール アドレス: uri.edu
Direct access in physical therapy: a systematic review
D Piscitelli, MP Furmanek, R Meroni, W De Caro, L Pellicciari
La Clinica Terapeutica 169 (5), e249-e260, 2018
The effects of cryotherapy on proprioception system
MP Furmanek, K Słomka, G Juras
BioMed research international 2014 (1), 696397, 2014
Coordination of reach-to-grasp in physical and haptic-free virtual environments
MP Furmanek, LF Schettino, M Yarossi, S Kirkman, SV Adamovich, ...
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 16 (78), 1-14, 2019
The effects of cryotherapy on knee joint position sense and force production sense in healthy individuals
MP Furmanek, KJ Słomka, A Sobiesiak, M Rzepko, G Juras
Journal of human kinetics 61, 39, 2018
The influence of adipose tissue location on postural control
J Cieślińska-Świder, MP Furmanek, JW Błaszczyk
Journal of Biomechanics 60, 162-169, 2017
Multifractality distinguishes reactive from proactive cascades in postural control
DG Kelty-Stephen, MP Furmanek, M Mangalam
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 142, 110471, 2021
Unintentional drifts during quiet stance and voluntary body sway
O Rasouli, S Solnik, MP Furmanek, D Piscitelli, A Falaki, ML Latash
Experimental brain research 235, 2301-2316, 2017
Postural instability recruits shorter-timescale processes into the non-Gaussian cascade processes
MP Furmanek, M Mangalam, DG Kelty-Stephen, G Juras
Neuroscience Letters 741 (135508), 2020
Movement Quality: A Novel Biomarker Based on Principles of Neuroscience
S Solnik, MP Furmanek, D Piscitelli
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 34 (12), 1067-1077, 2020
A kinematic and EMG dataset of online adjustment of reach-to-grasp movements to visual perturbations
MP Furmanek, M Mangalam, M Yarossi, K Lockwood, E Tunik
Scientific data 9 (1), 23, 2022
Multimodal fusion of emg and vision for human grasp intent inference in prosthetic hand control
M Zandigohar, M Han, M Sharif, SY Günay, MP Furmanek, M Yarossi, ...
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 11, 1312554, 2024
Synergies and motor equivalence in voluntary sway tasks: the effects of visual and mechanical constraints
MP Furmanek, S Solnik, D Piscitelli, O Rasouli, A Falaki, ML Latash
Journal of motor behavior 50 (5), 492-509, 2018
The impact of the Swedish massage on the kinesthetic differentiation in healthy individuals
K Mustafa, MP Furmanek, A Knapik, B Bacik, G Juras
International journal of therapeutic massage & bodywork 8 (1), 2-11, 2015
Control of aperture closure during reach-to-grasp movements in immersive haptic-free virtual reality
M Mangalam, M Yarossi, MP Furmanek, E Tunik
Experimental brain research 239 (5), 1651-1665, 2021
Synergistic activation patterns of hand muscles in left-and right-hand dominant individuals
D Liang, M Yarossi, SL Jacobs-Skolik, MP Furmanek, D Brooks, ...
Journal of Human Kinetics 76, 89, 2021
Number of trials necessary to apply analysis within the framework of the uncontrolled manifold hypothesis at different levels of hierarchical synergy control
M Pawłowski, MP Furmanek, G Sobota, W Marszałek, KJ Słomka, B Bacik, ...
Journal of Human Kinetics 76, 131, 2021
Effects of sensory feedback and collider size on reach-to-grasp coordination in haptic-free virtual reality
MP Furmanek, M Mangalam, K Lockwood, A Smith, M Yarossi, E Tunik
Frontiers in Virtual Reality 2, 99, 2021
Sensory integration during vibration of postural muscle tendons when pointing to a memorized target
N Teasdale, MP Furmanek, M Germain Robitaille, FCL De Oliveira, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10, 682, 2017
Intra-personal and inter-personal kinetic synergies during jumping
K Slomka, G Juras, G Sobota, M Furmanek, M Rzepko, ML Latash
Journal of human kinetics 49, 75, 2015
Analysis of the regenerative braking process for the urban traffic conditions. Combustion Engines. 2019, 178 (3), 203-207
J Kropiwnicki, M Furmanek
論文 1–20