Xueshi Guo
Xueshi Guo
確認したメール アドレス: tju.edu.cn
Deterministic generation of a two-dimensional cluster state
MV Larsen, X Guo, CR Breum, JS Neergaard-Nielsen, UL Andersen
Science 366 (6463), 369-372, 2019
Distributed quantum sensing in a continuous-variable entangled network
X Guo, CR Breum, J Borregaard, S Izumi, MV Larsen, T Gehring, ...
Nature Physics 16 (3), 281-284, 2020
Deterministic multi-mode gates on a scalable photonic quantum computing platform
MV Larsen, X Guo, CR Breum, JS Neergaard-Nielsen, UL Andersen
Nature Physics 17 (9), 1018-1023, 2021
Boosting the secret key rate in a shared quantum and classical fibre communication system
D Bacco, B Da Lio, D Cozzolino, F Da Ros, X Guo, Y Ding, Y Sasaki, ...
Communications Physics 2 (1), 140, 2019
Characterization of a fiber-based source of heralded single photons
L Yang, X Ma, X Guo, L Cui, X Li
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (5), 053843, 2011
Fiber-coupled EPR-state generation using a single temporally multiplexed squeezed light source
MV Larsen, X Guo, CR Breum, JS Neergaard-Nielsen, UL Andersen
npj Quantum Information 5 (1), 46, 2019
An all-fiber source of pulsed twin beams for quantum communication
X Guo, X Li, N Liu, L Yang, ZY Ou
Applied Physics Letters 101 (26), 2012
Complete temporal mode analysis in pulse-pumped fiber-optical parametric amplifier for continuous variable entanglement generation
X Guo, N Liu, X Li, ZY Ou
Optics express 23 (23), 29369-29383, 2015
Record-high secret key rate for joint classical and quantum transmission over a 37-core fiber
B Da Lio, D Bacco, D Cozzolino, F Da Ros, X Guo, Y Ding, Y Sasaki, ...
2018 IEEE photonics conference (IPC), 1-2, 2018
Generation of continuous variable quantum entanglement using a fiber optical parametric amplifier
X Guo, N Liu, Y Liu, X Li, ZY Ou
Optics letters 41 (3), 653-656, 2016
Effect of chromatic-dispersion-induced chirp on the temporal coherence properties of individual beams from spontaneous four-wave mixing
X Ma, X Li, L Cui, X Guo, L Yang
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (2), 023829, 2011
Generation of photon pairs in dispersion shift fibers through spontaneous four wave mixing: Influence of self-phase modulation
X Ma, L Yang, X Guo, X Li
Optics Communications 284 (19), 4558-4562, 2011
Compact, low-threshold squeezed light source
J Arnbak, CS Jacobsen, RB Andrade, X Guo, JS Neergaard-Nielsen, ...
Optics Express 27 (26), 37877-37885, 2019
Quantum information tapping using a fiber optical parametric amplifier with noise figure improved by correlated inputs
X Guo, X Li, N Liu, ZY Ou
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 30214, 2016
Approaching single temporal mode operation in twin beams generated by pulse pumped high gain spontaneous four wave mixing
N Liu, Y Liu, X Guo, L Yang, X Li, ZY Ou
Optics Express 24 (2), 1096-1108, 2016
40 km fiber transmission of squeezed light measured with a real local oscillator
I Suleiman, JAH Nielsen, X Guo, N Jain, J Neergaard-Nielsen, T Gehring, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 7 (4), 045003, 2022
Quantum efficiency measurement of single-photon detectors using photon pairs generated in optical fibers
X Li, X Ma, L Quan, L Yang, L Cui, X Guo
JOSA B 27 (9), 1857-1865, 2010
Multimode theory of pulsed-twin-beam generation using a high-gain fiber-optical parametric amplifier
X Guo, X Li, N Liu, ZY Ou
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (2), 023841, 2013
Measurement-dependent erasure of distinguishability for the observation of interference in an unbalanced SU (1, 1) interferometer
N Huo, L Cui, Y Zhang, W Zhao, X Guo, ZY Ou, X Li
PRX Quantum 3 (2), 020313, 2022
Deterministic generation of a two-dimensional cluster state for universal quantum computing
MV Larsen, X Guo, CR Breum, JS Neergaard-Nielsen, UL Andersen
arXiv e-prints, 2019
論文 1–20