Georgie Evans
Georgie Evans
その他の名前Georgina Evans
Research Scientist, Google DeepMind
確認したメール アドレス: google.com
Estrogen, androgen, and progesterone biosynthesis by theca and granulosa of preovulatory follicles in the pig
G Evans, M Dobias, GJ King, DT Armstrong
Biology of reproduction 25 (4), 673-682, 1981
Production of prostaglandins by porcine preovulatory follicular tissues and their roles in intrafollicular function
G Evans, M Dobias, GJ King, DT Armstrong
Biology of Reproduction 28 (2), 322-328, 1983
Statistically valid inferences from differentially private data releases, with application to the facebook urls dataset
G Evans, G King
Political Analysis 31 (1), 1-21, 2023
Statistically valid inferences from privacy-protected data
G Evans, G King, M Schwenzfeier, A Thakurta
American Political Science Review 117 (4), 1275-1290, 2023
Building an international consortium for tracking coronavirus health status
E Segal, F Zhang, X Lin, G King, O Shalem, S Shilo, WE Allen, ...
Nature Medicine 26 (8), 1161-1165, 2020
Changes in relaxin production by the theca during the preovulatory period of the pig
G Evans, DC Wathes, GJ King, DT Armstrong, DG Porter
Reproduction 69 (2), 677-683, 1983
AI can help humans find common ground in democratic deliberation
MH Tessler, MA Bakker, D Jarrett, H Sheahan, MJ Chadwick, R Koster, ...
Science 386 (6719), eadq2852, 2024
Representation gaps: Changes in popular preferences and party positions over the long term in the developed democracies
PA Hall, G Evans
Annual Meeting of the APSA, Washington DC, 2019
Political change and electoral coalitions in Western democracies
PA Hall, G Evans, SI Kim
Elements in European Politics, 2023
Differentially private survey research
G Evans, G King, AD Smith, A Thakurta
American Journal of Political Science 28, 1-22, 2024
Prime ministers, the vote of confidence and the management of coalition terminations between elections
P Schleiter, G Evans
Parliaments and Government Termination, 73-94, 2023
The changing confidence relationship between the UK executive and parliament in comparative context
P Schleiter, G Evans
Parliamentary Affairs 74 (1), 121-137, 2021
Electoral change, occupational coalitions and the prospects of mainstream and challenger parties in western democracies
PA Hall, G Evans
Workshop on Cleavage Formation in the 21st Century 13, 30, 2022
Representation Gaps: Changes in Popular Preferences and the Structure of Partisan Competition in the Developed Democracies
PA Hall, G Evans
Unpublished manuscript, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies …, 2019
Private gradient descent for linear regression: Tighter error bounds and instance-specific uncertainty estimation
G Brown, K Dvijotham, G Evans, D Liu, A Smith, A Thakurta
Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, 2024
Statistically valid inferences from differentially private data releases, ii: Extensions to nonlinear transformations
G Evans, G King
Political Analysis 26 (B2), 1161-1165, 2021
Statistically valid inferences from differentially private data releases
G Evans, G King
URL: GaryKing. org/dpd, 2020
The Political Dynamics of Occupational Coalitions and the Electoral Prospects of Mainstream versus Radical Parties
P Hall, G Evans
Workshop on Cleavage Formation in the 21st century, University of Zurich, 2020
Beyond Thumbs Up/Down: Untangling Challenges of Fine-Grained Feedback for Text-to-Image Generation
KM Collins, N Kim, Y Bitton, V Rieser, S Omidshafiei, Y Hu, S Chen, ...
Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES), 2024
Statistically Valid Inferences from Privacy Protected Data: Supplementary (Online) Appendices
G Evans, G King, M Schwenzfeier, A Thakurta
論文 1–20