Andrea Povellato
Andrea Povellato
Director of Research, CREA - Research Center for Agricultural Policy and Bioeconomy
確認したメール アドレス: crea.gov.it
Time to look for evidence: Results-based approach to biodiversity conservation on farmland in Europe
I Herzon, T Birge, B Allen, A Povellato, F Vanni, K Hart, G Radley, ...
Land use policy 71, 347-354, 2018
Cost-effectiveness of greenhouse gases mitigation measures in the European agro-forestry sector: a literature survey
A Povellato, F Bosello, C Giupponi
Environmental Science & Policy 10 (5), 474-490, 2007
What tools for the European agricultural policy to encourage the provision of public goods?
K Hart, D Baldock, P Weingarten, A Povellato, F Vanni, C Pirzio-Biroli, ...
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2011
Biodiversity protection through results based remuneration of ecological achievement: Report Prepared for the European Commission, DG Environment, Contract No ENV. B. 2/ETU …
B Allen, K Hart, G Radley, G Tucker, C Keenleyside, R Oppermann, ...
Institute for European Environmental Policy, 2014
Delivering environmental benefits through entry level agri-environment schemes in the EU
C Keenleyside, B Allen, K Hart, H Menadue, V Stefanova, J Prazan, ...
Institute for European Environmental Policy: London, UK, 2011
Do differential payments for agri-environment schemes affect the environmental benefits? A case study in the North-Eastern Italy
F Bartolini, D Vergamini, D Longhitano, A Povellato
Land use policy 107, 104862, 2021
Aree interne, tutela del territorio e valorizzazione delle risorse
AB Collidà, E Ciciotti, A Mela
Franco Angeli, 1989
Il dibattito sul greening e l'agricoltura italiana
A Povellato
Agriregionieuropa 8 (29), 3-7, 2012
Assessing farm sustainability. An application with the Italian FADN sample
D Longhitano, A Bodini, A Povellato, A Scardera
1st AIEAA Conference ‘Towards a Sustainable Bio-economy: Economic Issues and …, 2012
Il mercato fondiario in Italia
a cura di Povellato Andrea
Il mercato fondiario in Italia
a cura di Povellato Andrea
Inea, 1997
Assessing agro-ecological practices using a combination of three sustainability assessment tools
J Landert, C Pfeifer, J Carolus, G Schwarz, F Albanito, A Muller, P Smith, ...
Landbauforschung 70 (2), 129-144, 2020
Assessment of the Common Agricultural Policy 2014–2020 in supporting agroecological transitions: a comparative study of 15 cases across Europe
A Linares Quero, U Iragui Yoldi, O Gava, G Schwarz, A Povellato, ...
Sustainability 14 (15), 9261, 2022
La riforma Fischler e l’agricoltura italiana
A Povellato, BE Velazquez
Roma: INEA, 2005
Mainstreaming climate change into rural development policy post 2013
A Frelih-Larsen, M MacLeod, B Osterburg, V Eory, E Dooley, S Kätsch, ...
Publications Office of the European Union, 2013
La diversificazione nelle aziende agricole italiane
R Henke, A Povellato
Agriregionieuropa 8 (31), 1-7, 2012
Valuation and remuneration of countryside stewardship performed by agriculture and forestry
M Merlo, O Ferro, A Povellato
Policy instruments to support agroecological transitions in Europe
O Gava, A Povellato, F Galioto, J Pražan, G Schwarz, AL Quero, UY Iragui, ...
EuroChoices 21 (3), 13-20, 2022
L’impatto del greening sull’agricoltura italiana
A Povellato, D Longhitano
L’Informatore Agrario, 19-22, 2011
National cultural and institutional factors in CAP and environment.
P Lowe, B Flynn, F Just, AV Lima, T Patrício, A Povellato
CAP regimes and the European countryside: prospects for integration between …, 2000
論文 1–20