Hilquias Viana C.C.
Hilquias Viana C.C.
Phd student
確認したメール アドレス: pfur.ru
The general renovation as the active queue management mechanism. Some aspects and results
VCC Hilquias, IS Zaryadov, VV Tsurlukov, TA Milovanova, EV Bogdanova, ...
International Conference on Distributed Computer and Communication Networks …, 2019
Queueing systems with different types of renovation mechanism and thresholds as the mathematical models of active queue management mechanism
VCC Hilquias
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science 28 (4), 305-318, 2020
Two types of single-server queueing systems with threshold-based renovation mechanism
VCC Hilquias, IS Zaryadov, TA Milovanova
International Conference on Distributed Computer and Communication Networks …, 2021
Single-server queuing systems with exponential service times and threshold-based renovation
VCC Hilquias, IS Zaryadov
2021 13th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and …, 2021
Comparation of two single-server queueing systems with exponential service times and threshold-based renovation.
VCC Hilquias, IS Zaryadov
ITTMM, 54-63, 2021
Chronology of the development of active queue management algorithms of RED family. Part 3: from 2016 up to 2024
IS Zaryadov, VCC Hilquias, AV Korolkova, TA Milovanova
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science 32 (2), 154-171, 2024
GPSS simulation model of a system with a general renovation threshold based mechanism
VCC Hilquias, IS Zaryadov, SI Matyushenko
Информационно-телекоммуникационные технологии и математическое моделирование …, 2023
The Queueing System with Threshold-Based Direct and Inverse General Renovation Mechanism
VCC Hilquias, IS Zaryadov, SI Matyushenko, TA Milovanova
International Conference on Distributed Computer and Communication Networks …, 2022
Queuing system with threshold-based general renovation mechanism
VCC Hilquias, IS Zaryadov, TA Milovanova
Распределенные компьютерные и телекоммуникационные сети: управление …, 2022
Анализ показателей функционирования RED-подобных алгоритмов с помощью систем массового обслуживания
VC Hílquias, AA Zaytseva, TA Milovanova, IS Zaryadov
Информационно-телекоммуникационные технологии и математическое моделирование …, 0
論文 1–10