Nilesh Patidar
Nilesh Patidar
Department of Electrical & Electronics, SVITS, Indore
確認したメール アドレス: svvv.edu.in
Basic reversible logic gates and it’s QCA implementation
P Biswas, N Gupta, N Patidar
Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications 4 (6), 12-16, 2014
Design of one bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU) in QCA
N Gupta, S Shrivastava, N Patidar, S Katiyal, KK Choudhary
Int. J. Comput. Appl. Eng. Sci 2 (3), 281-5, 2012
Efficient designs of high-speed combinational circuits and optimal solutions using 45-degree cell orientation in QCA nanotechnology
A Tiwari, M Patidar, A Jain, N Patidar, N Gupta
Materials Today: Proceedings 66, 3465-3473, 2022
Design and Implementation of 16-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit using Quantum dot Cellular Automata (QCA) Technique
NP Rashmi Pandey, Namit gupta
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications 4 (9), 10-16, 2014
Design of hybrid adder-subtractor (HAS) using reversible logic gates in QCA
N Gupta, N Patidar, S Katiyal, KK Choudhary
International Journal of Computer Applications 53 (15), 2012
An extensible architecture of 32-bit ALU for high-speed computing in QCA technology
N Patidar, N Gupta
The Journal of Supercomputing 78 (18), 19605-19627, 2022
A novel 4-bit arithmetic logic unit implementation in quantum-dot cellular automata
N Patidar, N Gupta, A Khabia, S Katiyal, KK Choudhary
Education 2013, 2010
An ultra-dense and cost-efficient coplanar RAM cell design in quantum-dot cellular automata technology
M Patidar, A Jain, K Patidar, SK Shukla, AH Majeed, N Gupta, N Patidar
The Journal of Supercomputing 80 (5), 6989-7027, 2024
Error Detection in 2-bit & 4-bit Multiplier using Parity Predictor Circuit in QCA
A Laad, N Gupta, N Patidar
International Journal of Computer Applications 131 (15), 27-31, 2015
An Efficient Layout of Single-Layer Full Adder Using QCA
N Patidar, N Gupta
Soft Computing: Theories and Applications: Proceedings of SoCTA 2019, 165-172, 2020
The Role of Nanoelectronic Devices in a Smart City Ecosystem
M Patidar, N Gupta, A Jain, N Patidar
AI-Centric Smart City Ecosystems, 85-109, 2022
Year of Publication: 2015
A Laad, N Gupta, N Patidar
Comparison Between the Design of Various Logic Gates Using QCA & CMOS Technology
SK Namit Gupta, Rashmi Pandey, Nilesh Patidar, K.K. Chaudhary
Computing for Sustainable Global Development, INDIACom-2015;, 2.145-152, 2015
Design of 1 - Bit Reversible ALU Using Proposed NN Gate and DKG Gate and its Implementation in Quantum - Dot Cellular Automata
SK Namit Gupta, Nilesh Patidar, Amita Khabia, Kamal Choudhary
Computing for Sustainable Global Development, INDIACom - 201 4, 219-223, 2014
8-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit Implementation in Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA)
SK Namit Gupta, Nilesh Patidar, K.K. Choudhary
Computing for Sustainable Global Development, IndiaCom-2014, 402-407, 2014
Investigations of Architectural and Functional Aspects of Non Electronic Digital Devices using Quantum Dot Cellular Automata
Indore, 0
論文 1–16