Maria Luisa Collucci da Costa Reis
Maria Luisa Collucci da Costa Reis
Technologist, Institute of Aeronautics and Space, Professor Universidade de Taubate
確認したメール アドレス: fab.mil.br
Measurement uncertainty of a pressure sensor submitted to a step input
FRF Theodoro, MLC da Costa Reis, CA Souto, E de Barros
Measurement 88, 238-247, 2016
Calibration uncertainty estimation of a strain-gage external balance
M Reis, RM Castro, OAF Mello
Measurement 46 (1), 24-33, 2013
Feasibility study on hybrid weld-bonded joints using additive manufacturing and conductive thermoplastic filament
M Frascio, F Moroni, E Marques, R Carbas, M Reis, M Monti, M Avalle, ...
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes 3, 100046, 2021
Historical review and future perspectives for Pilot Transonic Wind Tunnel of IAE
JBP Falcão Filho, AC Avelar, MLCC Reis
Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management 1 (1), 19-27, 2009
The TTP Transonic wind tunnel Mach number uniformity analysis
M Reis, JBP Falcão Filho, LFG Moraes
Measurement 51, 356-366, 2014
Calibration uncertainty of an external six-component wind tunnel balance
ML Reis, O Mello, S Uyeno
33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 3884, 2003
Validation of an external six-component wind tunnel balance calibration
ML Reis, W Vieira, I Barbosa, OA Mello, L Santos
24th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, 2300, 2004
Uncertainty evaluation for dynamic measurements
CF Truyts, M Reis
2020 IEEE 7th International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace …, 2020
An overview of the dynamic calibration of piezoelectric pressure transducers
FRF Theodoro, MLCC Reis, C d’Souto
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 975 (1), 012002, 2018
Aerodynamic loads measurement of a sounding rocket vehicle tested in wind tunnel
M Reis, JBP Falcão Filho, G Paulino, C Truyts
XIX IMEKO World Congress-Fundamental and Applied Metrology, Lisbon, Portugal …, 2009
Expressão da incerteza de medição associada a um ensaio aeronáutico em túnel de vento subsônico
M Reis
Tese de Doutorado, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2000
Calibration uncertainty estimation for internal aerodynamic balance
M Reis, RM Castro, J Falcão, IM Barbosa, OAF Mello
Proceedings of 12th IMEKO TC1-TC7 joint Symposium on Man, Science …, 2008
A method for estimation of the calibration uncertainty of an external six-component wind tunnel balance
M Reis, O Mello, S Uyeno, O Sampaio
22nd AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, 2793, 2003
Análise da Uniformidade Longitudinal do Número de Mach na Seção de Testes do Túnel Transônico Piloto do IAE em Circuito Aberto
RB Zanin, M Reis, JBP Falcão Filho
Anais do V Congresso Nacional de Engenharia Mecânica, CONEM-2008, Salvador …, 2008
Analysis of the airflow in the TA-2 subsonic wind tunnel
M Reis, MS Souza, MCC Araújo
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1044 (1), 012011, 2018
Metodologia de calibraçao de sistema de medida de pressao em túneis de vento
F SOUZA, PJO Neto, AR Silva, DSA Lima, M Reis, JBP Falcão Filho
Anais do VI CONEM. Campina Grande:[sn], 2010
Propagation of Uncertainties in the Calibration Curve Fitting of Single Normal Hot-wire Anemometry Probes
LA Santos, ML Reis, OA Mello, LG Mezzalira
XVIII IMEKO World Congress, Metrology for a Sustainable Development, 17-22, 2006
Uncertainty methodology at the Brazilian TA-2 subsonic wind tunnel
O Mello, S Uyeno, O Sampaio, M Reis
20th AIAA Advanced Measurement and Ground Testing Technology Conference, 2716, 1998
Dynamic measurement applied to anemometer verification
CF Truyts, MLC da Costa Reis
Measurement 204, 112039, 2022
Experimental results from the sounding vehicle Sonda III test campaign in the Pilot Transonic Wind Tunnel
JBP Falcão Filho, MLCC Reis, A Morgenstern Jr
Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management 3 (3), 311-324, 2011
論文 1–20