Barkat said
Barkat said
Professeur, Laboratoire de Génie Electrique, Université de M'sila
確認したメール アドレス: univ-msila.dz
A local energy management of a hybrid PV-storage based distributed generation for microgrids
A Choudar, D Boukhetala, S Barkat, JM Brucker
Energy Conversion and Management 90, 21-33, 2015
Harmonic elimination in diode-clamped multilevel inverter using evolutionary algorithms
S Barkati, L Baghli, EM Berkouk, MS Boucherit
Electric Power Systems Research 78 (10), 1736-1746, 2008
Noninteracting adaptive control of PMSM using interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems
S Barkat, A Tlemçani, H Nouri
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 19 (5), 925-936, 2011
Enhanced structure of second-order generalized integrator frequency-locked loop suitable for DC-offset rejection in single-phase systems
A Kherbachi, A Chouder, A Bendib, K Kara, S Barkat
Electric Power Systems Research 170, 348-357, 2019
Neutral point voltage balancing control based on adjusting application times of redundant vectors for three-level NPC inverter
A Zorig, S Barkat, A Sangwongwanich
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 10 (5 …, 2022
Application of type-2 fuzzy logic controller to an induction motor drive with seven-level diode-clamped inverter and controlled infeed
MSB S. Barkati, E. M. Berkouk
Electrical Engineering 90 (5), 347–359, 2008
Hybrid direct power/current control using feedback linearization of three-level four-leg voltage source shunt active power filter
M Bouzidi, A Benaissa, S Barkat
International journal of electrical power & energy systems 61, 629-646, 2014
Extended Kalman filter based sliding mode control of parallel-connected two five-phase PMSM drive system
T Kamel, D Abdelkader, B Said, S Padmanaban, A Iqbal
Electronics 7 (2), 14, 2018
Three-level DTC based on fuzzy logic and neural network of sensorless DSSM using extended kalman filter
E Benyoussef, A Meroufel, S Barkat
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 5 (4), 453, 2015
Novel differential current control strategy based on a modified three-level SVPWM for two parallel-connected inverters
A Zorig, S Barkat, M Belkheiri, A Rabhi, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 5 (4 …, 2017
Particle swarm optimization for harmonic elimination in multilevel inverters
S Barkat, EM Berkouk, MS Boucherit
Electrical Engineering 91 (4), 221-228, 2009
Second order sliding mode control of three-level four-leg DSTATCOM based on instantaneous symmetrical components theory
S Bouafia, A Benaissa, S Barkat, M Bouzidi
Energy Systems 9 (1), 79-111, 2018
Vector control of five-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor drive
T Kamel, D Abdelkader, B Said
2015 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 1-4, 2015
Control of three-level T-type inverter based grid connected PV system
A Zorig, M Belkheiri, S Barkat
2016 13th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD …, 2016
Generalized predictive direct power control with constant switching frequency for multilevel four-leg grid connected converter
M Bouzidi, S Barkat, A Krama, H Abu-Rub
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (6), 6625-6636, 2022
New modeling approach of secondary control layer for autonomous single-phase microgrids
A Bendib, A Chouder, K Kara, A Kherbachi, S Barkat, W Issa
Journal of the Franklin Institute 356 (13), 6842-6874, 2019
Sensorless sliding mode control of a five-phase PMSM using extended Kalman filter
N Bounasla, S Barkat, E Benyoussef, K Tounsi
2016 8th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control …, 2016
Application of backstepping to the virtual flux direct power control of five-level three-phase shunt active power filter
B Mansour, B Abdelkader, B Said
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 4 (2), 173, 2014
New simplified and generalized three-dimensional space vector modulation algorithm for multilevel four-leg diode clamped converter
M Bouzidi, S Barkat, A Krama
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68 (10), 9908-9918, 2020
Sliding mode control of grid‐connected wind energy system driven by 2 five‐phase permanent magnet synchronous generators controlled by a new fifteen‐switch converter
T Kamel, D Abdelkader, B Said, A Iqbal
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 30 (9), e12480, 2020
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