David Gonzalez Robledo
David Gonzalez Robledo
Catedrático de universidad, Universidad de Cádiz
確認したメール アドレス: gm.uca.es
Effect of dislocations on electrical and electron transport properties of InN thin films. II. Density and mobility of the carriers
V Lebedev, V Cimalla, T Baumann, O Ambacher, FM Morales, JG Lozano
Journal of applied physics 100 (9), 2006
Determination of the composition of InxGa1− xN from strain measurements
FM Morales, D González, JG Lozano, R García, S Hauguth-Frank, ...
Acta Materialia 57 (19), 5681-5692, 2009
Identification of III–N nanowire growth kinetics via a marker technique
R Songmuang, T Ben, B Daudin, D González, E Monroy
Nanotechnology 21 (29), 295605, 2010
Bismuth incorporation and the role of ordering in GaAsBi/GaAs structures
DF Reyes, F Bastiman, CJ Hunter, DL Sales, AM Sanchez, JPR David, ...
Nanoscale research letters 9, 1-8, 2014
Effect of dislocations on electrical and electron transport properties of InN thin films. I. Strain relief and formation of a dislocation network
V Lebedev, V Cimalla, J Pezoldt, M Himmerlich, S Krischok, JA Schaefer, ...
Journal of applied physics 100 (9), 2006
Effect of N2 and H2 plasma treatments on band edge emission of ZnO microrods
J Rodrigues, T Holz, R Fath Allah, D Gonzalez, T Ben, MR Correia, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 10783, 2015
Structural and compositional homogeneity of InAlN epitaxial layers nearly lattice-matched to GaN
JM Mánuel, FM Morales, JG Lozano, D González, R García, T Lim, ...
Acta Materialia 58 (12), 4120-4125, 2010
Misfit relaxation of InN quantum dots: Effect of the GaN capping layer
JG Lozano, AM Sánchez, R García, D Gonzalez, O Briot, S Ruffenach
Applied physics letters 88 (15), 2006
Coalescence aspects of III-nitride epitaxy
V Lebedev, K Tonisch, F Niebelschütz, V Cimalla, D Cengher, I Cimalla, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 101 (5), 2007
Nucleation of InN quantum dots on GaN by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
JG Lozano, AM Sánchez, R García, D González, D Araújo, S Ruffenach, ...
Applied Physics Letters 87 (26), 2005
Study of morphological and related properties of aligned zinc oxide nanorods grown by vapor phase transport on chemical bath deposited buffer layers
D Byrne, R Fath Allah, T Ben, D Gonzalez Robledo, B Twamley, ...
Crystal growth & design 11 (12), 5378-5386, 2011
Ch. Y. Wang, V. Cimalla, and O. Ambacher
JG Lozano, FM Morales, R García, D González, V Lebedev
Appl. Phys. Lett 90, 091901, 2007
Thin GaAsSb capping layers for improved performance of InAs/GaAs quantum dot solar cells
AD Utrilla, DF Reyes, JM Llorens, I Artacho, T Ben, D González, Ž Gačević, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 159, 282-289, 2017
Size and shape tunability of self-assembled InAs/GaAs nanostructures through the capping rate
AD Utrilla, DF Grossi, DF Reyes, A Gonzalo, V Braza, T Ben, D González, ...
Applied Surface Science 444, 260-266, 2018
Formation of tetragonal InBi clusters in InAsBi/InAs (100) heterostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy
L Dominguez, DF Reyes, F Bastiman, DL Sales, RD Richards, D Mendes, ...
Applied Physics Express 6 (11), 112601, 2013
High efficient luminescence in type-II GaAsSb-capped InAs quantum dots upon annealing
JM Ulloa, JM Llorens, B Alén, DF Reyes, DL Sales, D González, A Hierro
Applied Physics Letters 101 (25), 2012
Atomic scale high-angle annular dark field STEM analysis of the N configuration in dilute nitrides of GaAs
M Herrera, QM Ramasse, DG Morgan, D Gonzalez, J Pizarro, A Yanez, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (12), 125211, 2009
Modelling of the Sb and N distribution in type II GaAsSb/GaAsN superlattices for solar cell applications
DF Reyes, V Braza, A Gonzalo, AD Utrilla, JM Ulloa, T Ben, D González
Applied Surface Science 442, 664-672, 2018
Strain-balanced type-II superlattices for efficient multi-junction solar cells
A Gonzalo, AD Utrilla, DF Reyes, V Braza, JM Llorens, D Fuertes Marrón, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 4012, 2017
General route for the decomposition of InAs quantum dots during the capping process
D González, DF Reyes, AD Utrilla, T Ben, V Braza, A Guzman, A Hierro, ...
Nanotechnology 27 (12), 125703, 2016
論文 1–20