Antonios Zervos
Antonios Zervos
Associate Professor in Geomechanics, University of Southampton
確認したメール アドレス: soton.ac.uk - ホームページ
A finite element displacement formulation for gradient elastoplasticity
A Zervos, P Papanastasiou, I Vardoulakis
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 50 (6), 1369-1388, 2001
Modelling of localisation and scale effect in thick-walled cylinders with gradient elastoplasticity
A Zervos, P Papanastasiou, I Vardoulakis
International Journal of Solids and Structures 38 (30), 5081-5095, 2001
A three‐dimensional C1 finite element for gradient elasticity
SA Papanicolopulos, A Zervos, I Vardoulakis
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 77 (10), 1396-1415, 2009
Dependence of shape on particle size for a crushed rock railway ballast
LM Le Pen, W Powrie, A Zervos, S Ahmed, S Aingaran
Granular Matter 15 (6), 849-861, 2013
Two finite-element discretizations for gradient elasticity
A Zervos, SA Papanicolopulos, I Vardoulakis
Journal of engineering mechanics 135 (3), 203-213, 2009
Finite elements for elasticity with microstructure and gradient elasticity
A Zervos
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 73 (4), 564-595, 2008
Thermo-poro-mechanical analysis of landslides: from creeping behaviour to catastrophic failure
EE Alonso, A Zervos, NM Pinyol
Géotechnique 66 (3), 202-219, 2016
A Review and Evaluation of Ballast Settlement Models using Results from the Southampton Railway Testing Facility (SRTF)
T Abadi, L Le Pen, A Zervos, W Powrie
Procedia Engineering 143, 999-1006, 2016
What causes large submarine landslides on low gradient (< 2°) continental slopes with slow (∼ 0.15 m/kyr) sediment accumulation?
M Urlaub, PJ Talling, A Zervos, D Masson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (10), 6722-6739, 2015
Effect of sleeper interventions on railway track performance
T Abadi, LL Pen, A Zervos, W Powrie
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 145 (4), 04019009, 2019
The effect of boundary conditions, model size and damping models in the finite element modelling of a moving load on a track/ground system
JY Shih, DJ Thompson, A Zervos
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 89, 12-27, 2016
Measuring the area and number of ballast particle contacts at sleeper/ballast and ballast/subgrade interfaces
T Abadi, L Le Pen, A Zervos, W Powrie
The International Journal of Railway Technology 4 (2), 45-72, 2015
The influence of soil nonlinear properties on the track/ground vibration induced by trains running on soft ground
JY Shih, DJ Thompson, A Zervos
Transportation Geotechnics 11, 1-16, 2017
Discrete element simulation of railway ballast: modelling cell pressure effects in triaxial tests
J Harkness, A Zervos, L Le Pen, S Aingaran, W Powrie
Granular Matter 18 (65), 1-13, 2016
A thermo‐mechanical model for the catastrophic collapse of large landslides
F Cecinato, A Zervos, E Veveakis
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2011
Improving the performance of railway tracks through ballast interventions
T Abadi, LL Pen, A Zervos, W Powrie
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of …, 2018
The Stokoe resonant column apparatus: effects of stiffness, mass and specimen fixity
CRI Clayton, JA Priest, M Bui, A Zervos, SG Kim
Géotechnique 59 (5), 429-437, 2009
Wellbore stability analysis: from linear elasticity to postbifurcation modeling
P Papanastasiou, A Zervos
International Journal of Geomechanics 4 (1), 2-12, 2004
Modelling the effects of trafficking and tamping on scaled railway ballast in triaxial tests
S Aingaran, L Le Pen, A Zervos, W Powrie
Transportation Geotechnics 15, 84-90, 2018
Modelling the effects of trafficking and tamping on scaled railway ballast in triaxial tests
S Aingaran, L Le Pen, A Zervos, W Powrie
Transportation Geotechnics 15, 84-90, 2018
論文 1–20