Prachi Parashar
Prachi Parashar
John A. Logan College
確認したメール アドレス: jalc.edu
How does Casimir energy fall?
SA Fulling, KA Milton, P Parashar, A Romeo, KV Shajesh, J Wagner
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 76 (2), 025004, 2007
Repulsive casimir and casimir–polder forces
KA Milton, EK Abalo, P Parashar, N Pourtolami, I Brevik, SÅ Ellingsen
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45 (37), 374006, 2012
Exact Results for Casimir Interactions between Dielectric Bodies:<? format?> The Weak-Coupling or van der Waals Limit
KA Milton, P Parashar, J Wagner
Physical review letters 101 (16), 160402, 2008
How does Casimir energy fall? II. Gravitational acceleration of quantum vacuum energy
KA Milton, P Parashar, KV Shajesh, J Wagner
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (35), 10935, 2007
Noncontact gears. II. Casimir torque between concentric corrugated cylinders for the scalar case
I Cavero-Pelaez, KA Milton, P Parashar, KV Shajesh
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 78 (6), 065019, 2008
Electromagnetic semitransparent -function plate: Casimir interaction energy between <?format ?>parallel infinitesimally thin plates
P Parashar, KA Milton, KV Shajesh, M Schaden
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 86 (8), 085021, 2012
Casimir-Polder repulsion near edges: Wedge apex and a screen with an aperture
KA Milton, EK Abalo, P Parashar, N Pourtolami, I Brevik, SÅ Ellingsen
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (6), 062507, 2011
Gravitational and inertial mass of Casimir energy
KA Milton, SA Fulling, P Parashar, A Romeo, KV Shajesh, JA Wagner
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (16), 164052, 2008
Noncontact gears. I. Next-to-leading order contribution to the lateral Casimir force between corrugated parallel plates
I Cavero-Peláez, KA Milton, P Parashar, KV Shajesh
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 78 (6), 065018, 2008
Casimir-Polder repulsion: Polarizable atoms, cylinders, spheres, and ellipsoids
KA Milton, P Parashar, N Pourtolami, I Brevik
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 85 (2), 025008, 2012
Distance-dependent sign reversal in the Casimir-Lifshitz torque
P Thiyam, P Parashar, KV Shajesh, OI Malyi, M Boström, KA Milton, ...
Physical Review Letters 120 (13), 131601, 2018
How does Casimir energy fall? III. Inertial forces on vacuum energy
KV Shajesh, KA Milton, P Parashar, JA Wagner
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (16), 164058, 2008
How does Casimir energy fall? IV. Gravitational interaction of regularized quantum vacuum energy
KA Milton, KV Shajesh, SA Fulling, P Parashar
Physical Review D 89 (6), 064027, 2014
Stress tensor for a scalar field in a spatially varying background potential: Divergences,“renormalization”, anomalies, and Casimir forces
KA Milton, SA Fulling, P Parashar, P Kalauni, T Murphy
Physical Review D 93 (8), 085017, 2016
Quantum electromagnetic stress tensor in an inhomogeneous medium
P Parashar, KA Milton, Y Li, H Day, X Guo, SA Fulling, I Cavero-Peláez
Physical Review D 97 (12), 125009, 2018
Electromagnetic -function sphere
P Parashar, KA Milton, KV Shajesh, I Brevik
Physical Review D 96 (8), 085010, 2017
Negative entropies in Casimir and Casimir‐Polder interactions
KA Milton, Y Li, P Kalauni, P Parashar, R Guérout, GL Ingold, ...
Fortschritte der Physik 65 (6-8), 1600047, 2017
Casimir energy, dispersion, and the Lifshitz formula
KA Milton, J Wagner, P Parashar, I Brevik
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 81 (6), 065007, 2010
Casimir self-entropy of a spherical electromagnetic -function shell
KA Milton, P Kalauni, P Parashar, Y Li
Physical Review D 96 (8), 085007, 2017
Anisotropic contribution to the van der Waals and the Casimir-Polder energies for and molecules near surfaces and thin films
P Thiyam, P Parashar, KV Shajesh, C Persson, M Schaden, I Brevik, ...
Physical Review A 92 (5), 052704, 2015
論文 1–20