Maxim Pospelov
Maxim Pospelov
確認したメール アドレス: umn.edu
Secluded WIMP dark matter
M Pospelov, A Ritz, M Voloshin
Physics Letters B 662 (1), 53-61, 2008
The Minimal model of nonbaryonic dark matter: A Singlet scalar
CP Burgess, M Pospelov, T Ter Veldhuis
Nuclear Physics B 619 (1-3), 709-728, 2001
Electric dipole moments as probes of new physics
M Pospelov, A Ritz
Annals of physics 318 (1), 119-169, 2005
Secluded U (1) below the weak scale
M Pospelov
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 80 (9), 095002, 2009
A facility to Search for Hidden Particles at the CERN SPS: the SHiP physics case
S Alekhin, W Altmannshofer, T Asaka, B Batell, F Bezrukov, K Bondarenko, ...
Reports on progress in physics 79 (12), 124201, 2016
Physics beyond colliders at CERN: beyond the standard model working group report
J Beacham, C Burrage, D Curtin, A De Roeck, J Evans, JL Feng, C Gatto, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 47 (1), 010501, 2019
US cosmic visions: new ideas in dark matter 2017: community report
M Battaglieri, A Belloni, A Chou, P Cushman, B Echenard, R Essig, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.04591, 2017
Astrophysical signatures of secluded dark matter
M Pospelov, A Ritz
Physics Letters B 671 (3), 391-397, 2009
Ultraviolet modifications of dispersion relations in effective field theory
RC Myers, M Pospelov
Physical Review Letters 90 (21), 211601, 2003
Quark flavor transitions in models
W Altmannshofer, S Gori, M Pospelov, I Yavin
Physical Review D 89 (9), 095033, 2014
Neutrino trident production: a powerful probe of new physics with neutrino beams
W Altmannshofer, S Gori, M Pospelov, I Yavin
Physical review letters 113 (9), 091801, 2014
Exploring portals to a hidden sector through fixed targets
B Batell, M Pospelov, A Ritz
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 80 (9), 095024, 2009
Hunting for topological dark matter with atomic clocks
A Derevianko, M Pospelov
Nature Physics 10 (12), 933-936, 2014
Flavor physics of leptons and dipole moments
M Raidal, A Van der Schaaf, I Bigi, ML Mangano, Y Semertzidis, S Abel, ...
The European Physical Journal C 57, 13-182, 2008
Long-lived particles at the energy frontier: the MATHUSLA physics case
D Curtin, M Drewes, M McCullough, P Meade, RN Mohapatra, J Shelton, ...
Reports on progress in physics 82 (11), 116201, 2019
Probing a secluded U(1) at factories
B Batell, M Pospelov, A Ritz
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 79 (11), 115008, 2009
Bosonic super-WIMPs as keV-scale dark matter
M Pospelov, A Ritz, M Voloshin
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 78 (11), 115012, 2008
Dark sectors 2016 workshop: community report
J Alexander, M Battaglieri, B Echenard, R Essig, M Graham, E Izaguirre, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.08632, 2016
Environmental dependence of masses and coupling constants
KA Olive, M Pospelov
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 77 (4), 043524, 2008
Feebly-interacting particles: FIPs 2020 workshop report
P Agrawal, M Bauer, J Beacham, A Berlin, A Boyarsky, S Cebrian, ...
The European Physical Journal C 81 (11), 1-137, 2021
論文 1–20