Daniel Stein
Daniel Stein
Senior Research Scientist, eBay Inc.
確認したメール アドレス: daniel-stein.de
Jane: Open source hierarchical translation, extended with reordering and lexicon models
D Vilar, D Stein, M Huck, H Ney
Proceedings of the Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation …, 2010
The ATIS sign language corpus
J Bungeroth, D Stein, P Dreuw, H Ney, S Morrissey, A Way, L van Zijl
Spoken language processing techniques for sign language recognition and translation
P Dreuw, D Stein, T Deselaers, D Rybach, M Zahedi, J Bungeroth, H Ney
Technology and Disability 20 (2), 121-133, 2008
Statistical machine translation of German compound words
M Popović, D Stein, H Ney
International Conference on Natural Language Processing (in Finland), 616-624, 2006
Morpho-syntax based statistical methods for automatic sign language translation
D Stein, J Bungeroth, H Ney
Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference of the European Association for …, 2006
Analysis, preparation, and optimization of statistical sign language machine translation
D Stein, C Schmidt, H Ney
Machine Translation 26, 325-357, 2012
A German Sign Language Corpus of the Domain Weather Report.
J Bungeroth, D Stein, P Dreuw, M Zahedi, H Ney
LREC, 2000-2003, 2006
Hand in hand: automatic sign language to English translation
D Stein, P Dreuw, H Ney, S Morrissey, A Way
Signspeak–understanding, recognition, and translation of sign languages
P Dreuw, J Forster, Y Gweth, D Stein, H Ney, G Martinez, JV Llahi, ...
4th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Corpora …, 2010
Enhancing a sign language translation system with vision-based features
P Dreuw, D Stein, H Ney
International gesture workshop, 108-113, 2007
Analysing soft syntax features and heuristics for hierarchical phrase based machine translation.
D Vilar, D Stein, H Ney
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation …, 2008
A cocktail of deep syntactic features for hierarchical machine translation
D Stein, S Peitz, D Vilar, H Ney
Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation …, 2010
Using Images to Improve Machine-Translating E-Commerce Product Listings.
I Calixto, D Stein, E Matusov, P Lohar, S Castilho, A Way
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2017
Jane: an advanced freely available hierarchical machine translation toolkit
D Vilar, D Stein, M Huck, H Ney
Machine Translation 26, 197-216, 2012
Exploiting the large-scale German Broadcast Corpus to boost the Fraunhofer IAIS Speech Recognition System.
M Stadtschnitzer, J Schwenninger, D Stein, J Köhler
LREC, 3887-3890, 2014
Combining data-driven MT systems for improved sign language translation
S Morrissey, A Way, D Stein, J Bungeroth, H Ney
European Association for Machine Translation, 2007
Automatic fine-grained hyperlinking of videos within a closed collection using scene segmentation
E Apostolidis, V Mezaris, M Sahuguet, B Huet, B Červenková, D Stein, ...
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1033-1036, 2014
Best practice for sign language data collections regarding the needs of data-driven recognition and translation
J Forster, D Stein, EA Ormel, OA Crasborn, H Ney
Malta:[Sn], 2010
Towards a Hybrid Data-Driven MT System for Sign Languages. Machine Translation Summit (MT Summit)
S Morrissey, A Way, D Stein, J Bungeroth, H Ney
Sign language machine translation overkill
D Stein, C Schmidt, H Ney
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation …, 2010
論文 1–20