I Made Arnawa
I Made Arnawa
Profesor of Mathematics, Universitas Andalas
確認したメール アドレス: fmipa.unand.ac.id
Yerizon, & Bakar, NN (2021). Development of an Android-Based for Math E-Module by using Adobe Flash Professional CS6 for Grade X Students of Senior High School
R Ilmi, IM Arnawa
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1742 (1), 1-7, 0
Applying the APOS theory to improve students ability to prove in elementary abstract algebra
IM Arnawa, B Kartasasmita, ET Baskoro
Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society 13 (1), 133-148, 2007
Development of learning tools based on contextual teaching and learning in fifth grade of primary schools
R Yuwandra, IM Arnawa
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1554 (1), 012077, 2020
Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran matematika dengan pendekatan contextual teaching and learning untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah peserta didik kelas xi
S Wirdaningsih, IM Arnawa, A Anhar
JNPM (Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Matematika) 1 (2), 275-289, 2017
The tools of mathematics learning based on realistic mathematics education approach in elementary school to improve math abilities
N Syafriafdi, A Fauzan, IM Arnawa, S Anwar, W Widada
Universal Journal of Educational Research 7 (7), 1532-1536, 2019
Student worksheet usage effectiveness based on realistics mathematics educations toward mathematical communication ability of junior high school student
RN Ismail, IM Arnawa, Y Yerizon
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1554 (1), 012044, 2020
Development of students’ worksheet based on APOS theory approach to improve student achievment in learning system of linear equations
IM Arnawa, Y Yerizon, RT Putra
Int. J. Sci. Technol. Res. 8 (4), 287-292, 2019
Designing mathematics learning models based on realistic mathematics education and literacy
A Fauzan, IM Arnawa
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1471 (1), 012055, 2020
Preliminary research of mathematics learning device development based on realistic mathematics education (RME)
AS Ulfah, Y Yerizon, IM Arnawa
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1554 (1), 012027, 2020
Improvement students’ level of proof ability in abstract algebra trough APOS theory approach
IM Arnawa, Y Yerizon, S Nita
Int. J. Sci. Technol. Res. 8 (7), 128-131, 2019
Preparation development of learning device problem based learning model with scientific approach to improve mathematical problem solving ability
N Rahmi, IM Arnawa, Y Yerizon
Int. J. Sci. Technol. Res. 8 (8), 522-529, 2019
The effect of realistic mathematics education approach oriented Higher order thinking skills to achievements’ calculus
A Arnellis, A Fauzan, IM Arnawa, Y Yerizon
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1554 (1), 012033, 2020
Mengembangkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam memvalidasi bukti pada aljabar abstrak melalui pembelajaran berdasarkan teori APOS
I Arnawa
Jurnal Matematika & Sains 14 (2), 62-68, 2010
Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pembuktian Mahasiswa dalam Aljabar Abstrack melalui Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Teori Apos
IM Arnawa
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2006
Model of Geometry Realistic Learning Development with Interactive Multimedia Assistance in Elementary School
EM Jesi Alexander Alim, Ahmad Fauzan, I Made Arnawa
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1471 (2020), 012053, 2020
Errors and misconceptions in learning elementary linear algebra
IM Arnawa, S Nita
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1321 (2), 022095, 2019
An initial observation of learning devices and mathematical problem solving ability of senior high school students
N Fitriani, IM Arnawa
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1554 (1), 012067, 2020
Mathematics learning device development based on constructivism approach to improve mathematical reasoning skill of class X students in vocational high school (SMK)
Y Safitri, IM Arnawa
Int. J. Sci. Technol. Res. 8 (5), 131-135, 2019
Pemanfaatan Game Edukatif dalam Pembelajaran Matematika: Bagaimana Persepsi Siswa?
R Handican, SR Darwata, IM Arnawa, A Fauzan, A Asmar
RANGE: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika 5 (1), 77-92, 2023
The development of learning instruction based on problem based learning to improve problem solving ability of students in grade vii (preliminary research)
CP Permatasari, IM Arnawa, E Musdi
Int. J. Sci. Technol. Res. 8 (8), 600-604, 2019
論文 1–20