Aysen Davraz
Aysen Davraz
Proffessor of Hydrogeology, Suleyman Demirel University
確認したメール アドレス: sdu.edu.tr
Evaluation of water quality using water quality index (WQI) method and GIS in Aksu River (SW-Turkey)
Ş Şener, E Şener, A Davraz
Science of the total Environment 584, 131-144, 2017
An integration of GIS and remote sensing in groundwater investigations: a case study in Burdur, Turkey
E Sener, A Davraz, M Ozcelik
Hydrogeology Journal 13, 826-834, 2005
Evaluation of the groundwater quality with WQI (Water Quality Index) and multivariate analysis: a case study of the Tefenni plain (Burdur/Turkey)
S Varol, A Davraz
Environmental earth sciences 73, 1725-1744, 2015
Assessment of groundwater vulnerability based on a modified DRASTIC model, GIS and an analytic hierarchy process(AHP) method: the case of Egirdir Lake basin(Isparta, Turkey)
E Sener, A Davraz
Hydrogeology Journal 21 (3), 701-714, 2013
Assessment of aquifer vulnerability based on GIS and DRASTIC methods: a case study of the Senirkent-Uluborlu Basin (Isparta, Turkey)
E Sener, S Sener, A Davraz
Hydrogeology Journal 17 (8), 2023, 2009
Groundwater potential mapping by combining fuzzy-analytic hierarchy process and GIS in Beyşehir Lake Basin, Turkey
E Şener, Ş Şener, A Davraz
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 1-21, 2018
Assessment of geochemistry and hydrogeochemical processes in groundwater of the Tefenni plain (Burdur/Turkey)
S Varol, A Davraz
Environmental Earth Sciences 71, 4657-4673, 2014
Investigation of Aksehir and Eber Lakes (SW Turkey) coastline change with multitemporal satellite images
E Sener, A Davraz, S Sener
Water resources management 24, 727-745, 2010
Assessment of groundwater quality and health risk in drinking water basin using GIS
Ş Şener, E Şener, A Davraz
Journal of water and health 15 (1), 112-132, 2017
Evaluating the anthropogenic and geologic impacts on water quality of the Eğirdir Lake, Turkey
Ş Şener, A Davraz, R Karagüzel
Environmental earth sciences 70, 2527-2544, 2013
Yeraltı suyu kimyası ve sağlığa etkisinin tıbbi jeoloji açısından değerlendirilmesi
S Varol, A Davraz, E Varol
TAF Prev Med Bull 7 (4), 351-356, 2008
Groundwater quality assessment and its suitability in Çeltikçi plain (Burdur/Turkey)
A Davraz, A Özdemir
Environmental Earth Sciences 72, 1167-1190, 2014
Evaluation of potential human health risk and investigation of drinking water quality in Isparta city center (Turkey)
S Varol, A Davraz
Journal of water and health 14 (3), 471-488, 2016
Evaluation of climate and human effects on the hydrology and water quality of Burdur Lake, Turkey
A Davraz, E Sener, S Sener
Journal of African Earth Sciences 158, 103569, 2019
Hydrogeology of karst aquifer systems in SW Turkey and an assessment of water quality and contamination problems
A Davraz, R Karaguzel, I Soyaslan, E Sener, F Seyman, S Sener
Environmental geology 58, 973-988, 2009
Temporal variations of fluoride concentration in Isparta public water system and health impact assessment (SW-Turkey)
A Davraz, E Sener, S Sener
Environmental Geology 56, 159-170, 2008
Burdur Gölü seviye değişimlerinin çok zamanlı uydu görüntüleri ile izlenmesi
E Şener, A Davraz, T İsmailov
Türkiye Kuvaterner Sempozyumu Turqua-V, İTÜ Avrasya Yer Bilimleri Enstitüsü …, 2005
Assessment of trace metal contents in water and bottom sediments from Eğirdir Lake, Turkey
Ş Şener, A Davraz, R Karagüzel
Environmental earth sciences 71, 2807-2819, 2014
Hydrogeological investigation of Sarkikaraagac Basin (Isparta, Turkey) and groundwater vulnerability
SO Varol, A Davraz
Water international 35 (2), 177-194, 2010
Hydrogeochemistry characteristics of groundwater and health risk assessment in Yalvaç–Gelendost basin (Turkey)
A Davraz, B Batur
Applied Water Science 11 (4), 67, 2021
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