William Fleeson
William Fleeson
確認したメール アドレス: wfu.edu
Toward a structure-and process-integrated view of personality: Traits as density distributions of states.
W Fleeson
Journal of personality and social psychology 80 (6), 1011, 2001
Considering the role of personality in the work–family experience: Relationships of the big five to work–family conflict and facilitation
JH Wayne, N Musisca, W Fleeson
Journal of vocational behavior 64 (1), 108-130, 2004
Whole trait theory
W Fleeson, E Jayawickreme
Journal of research in personality 56, 82-92, 2015
Moving personality beyond the person-situation debate: The challenge and the opportunity of within-person variability
W Fleeson
Current Directions in Psychological Science 13 (2), 83-87, 2004
The implications of Big Five standing for the distribution of trait manifestation in behavior: fifteen experience-sampling studies and a meta-analysis.
W Fleeson, P Gallagher
Journal of personality and social psychology 97 (6), 1097, 2009
An intraindividual process approach to the relationship between extraversion and positive affect: Is acting extraverted as" good" as being extraverted?
W Fleeson, AB Malanos, NM Achille
Journal of personality and social psychology 83 (6), 1409, 2002
Situation‐based contingencies underlying trait‐content manifestation in behavior
W Fleeson
Journal of personality 75 (4), 825-862, 2007
Integrating personality structure, personality process, and personality development
A Baumert, M Schmitt, M Perugini, W Johnson, G Blum, P Borkenau, ...
European Journal of Personality 31 (5), 503-528, 2017
Experience sampling methods: A modern idiographic approach to personality research
TS Conner, H Tennen, W Fleeson, LF Barrett
Social and personality psychology compass 3 (3), 292-313, 2009
Developmental regulation before and after a developmental deadline: the sample case of" biological clock" for childbearing.
J Heckhausen, C Wrosch, W Fleeson
Psychology and Aging 16 (3), 400, 2001
The relevance of Big Five trait content in behavior to subjective authenticity: Do high levels of within‐person behavioral variability undermine or enable authenticity achievement?
W Fleeson, J Wilt
Journal of Personality 78 (4), 1353-1382, 2010
Life tasks and daily life experience
N Cantor, J Norem, C Langston, S Zirkel, W Fleeson, C Cook‐Flannagan
Journal of personality 59 (3), 425-451, 1991
Post‐traumatic growth as positive personality change: Challenges, opportunities, and recommendations
E Jayawickreme, FJ Infurna, K Alajak, LER Blackie, WJ Chopik, JM Chung, ...
Journal of personality 89 (1), 145-165, 2021
What is extraversion for? Integrating trait and motivational perspectives and identifying the purpose of extraversion
KO McCabe, W Fleeson
Psychological science 23 (12), 1498-1505, 2012
The causal effects of extraversion on positive affect and neuroticism on negative affect: Manipulating state extraversion and state neuroticism in an experimental approach
JM McNiel, W Fleeson
Journal of Research in Personality 40 (5), 529-550, 2006
Sources of well-being in very old age
J Smith, W Fleeson, B Geiselmann, RA Settersten Jr, U Kunzmann
The Berlin aging study: Aging from 70, 450-471, 1999
The end of the person–situation debate: An emerging synthesis in the answer to the consistency question
W Fleeson, E Noftle
Social and personality psychology compass 2 (4), 1667-1684, 2008
Predictors of subjective physical health and global well-being: Similarities and differences between the United States and Germany.
UM Staudinger, W Fleeson, PB Baltes
Journal of personality and social psychology 76 (2), 305, 1999
Whole trait theory: An integrative approach to examining personality structure and process
E Jayawickreme, CE Zachry, W Fleeson
Personality and individual differences 136, 2-11, 2019
Are traits useful? Explaining trait manifestations as tools in the pursuit of goals.
KO McCabe, W Fleeson
Journal of personality and social psychology 110 (2), 287, 2016
論文 1–20