Sarra Ayouni
Sarra Ayouni
Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University
確認したメール アドレス: pnu.edu.sa - ホームページ
Smart mobile learning success model for higher educational institutions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
MA Almaiah, S Ayouni, F Hajjej, A Lutfi, O Almomani, AB Awad
Electronics 11 (8), 1278, 2022
Fuzzy Vikor application for learning management systems evaluation in higher education
S Ayouni, LJ Menzli, F Hajjej, M Maddeh, S Al-Otaibi
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education …, 2021
Mining closed gradual patterns
S Ayouni, A Laurent, SB Yahia, P Poncelet
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 10th International Conference …, 2010
A new ML-based approach to enhance student engagement in online environment
S Ayouni, F Hajjej, M Maddeh, S Al-Otaibi
Plos one 16 (11), e0258788, 2021
Extracting compact and information lossless sets of fuzzy association rules
S Ayouni, SB Yahia, A Laurent
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 183 (1), 1-25, 2011
Innovations of materials for student engagement in online environment: An ontology
S Ayouni, F Hajjej, M Maddeh, S Alotaibi
Materials Today: Proceedings 81, 470-476, 2023
Fuzzy gradual patterns: What fuzzy modality for what result?
S Ayouni, SB Yahia, A Laurent, P Poncelet
2010 International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, 224-230, 2010
Novel framework for autism spectrum disorder identification and tailored education with effective data mining and ensemble learning techniques
F Hajjej, S Ayouni, MA Alohali, M Maddeh
IEEE Access, 2024
Decision tree-based design defects detection
M Maddeh, S Ayouni, S Alyahya, F Hajjej
IEEE Access 9, 71606-71614, 2021
Twitter use by the dementia community during COVID-19: a user classification and social network analysis
F Alhayan, D Pennington, S Ayouni
Online Information Review 47 (1), 41-58, 2023
Extracting compact and information lossless set of fuzzy association rules
S Ayouni, SB Yahia
2007 IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference, 1-6, 2007
Etude et extraction de regles graduelles floues: définition d’algorithmes efficaces
S Ayouni
These de doctorat, Université Montpellier 2, 2012
Automatic Detection of Cases of COVID‐19 Pneumonia from Chest X‐ray Images and Deep Learning Approaches
F Hajjej, S Ayouni, M Hasan, T Abir
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022 (1), 7451551, 2022
Student perspective-based evaluation of online transition during the COVID-19 outbreak: a case study of PNU Students
F Hajjej, S Ayouni, H Shaiba, AS Alluhaidan
International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies …, 2021
Quality assessment of business process models: Case of accreditation process in higher education
LJ Menzli, S Ayouni, M Elsadig
Int. J. Civil Eng. Technol. 10, 874-884, 2019
Measuring passive engagement with health information on social media
F Alhayan, DR Pennington, S Ayouni
2018 21st Saudi Computer Society National Computer Conference (NCC), 1-6, 2018
Spatio-temporal cluster mapping system in smart beds for patient monitoring
M Maddeh, F Hajjej, MB Alazzam, SA Otaibi, NA Turki, S Ayouni
Sensors 23 (10), 4614, 2023
A hybrid fuzzy DEMATEL-AHP/VIKOR method for LMS selection
S Ayouni, L Jamel, F Hajjej, M Maddeh
Processing of the ECEL 2019 18th European Conference on e-Learning, 47-55, 2019
Recognition of opinion leaders in social networks using text posts’ trajectory scoring and users’ comments sentiment analysis
W Oueslati, S Mejri, S Al-Otaibi, S Ayouni
IEEE Access 11, 123589-123609, 2023
Extracting and modeling design defects using gradual rules and UML profile
M Maddeh, S Ayouni
Computer Science and Its Applications: 5th IFIP TC 5 International …, 2015
論文 1–20