Brandt Bertrand
Brandt Bertrand
Postdoctoral researcher
確認したメール アドレス: icf.unam.mx - ホームページ
Fungal laccases: induction and production
B Bertrand, F Martínez-Morales, MR Trejo-Hernández
Revista mexicana de ingeniería química 12 (3), 473-488, 2013
Statistical design, a powerful tool for optimizing biosurfactant production: a review
B Bertrand, F Martínez-Morales, NS Rosas-Galván, D Morales-Guzmán, ...
Colloids and Interfaces 2 (3), 36, 2018
U pgrading L accase P roduction and B iochemical P roperties: s trategies and C hallenges
B Bertrand, F Martínez‐Morales, MR Trejo‐Hernández
Biotechnology Progress 33 (4), 1015-1034, 2017
Biochemical and molecular characterization of laccase isoforms produced by the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor under submerged culture conditions
B Bertrand, F Martínez-Morales, R Tinoco-Valencia, S Rojas, ...
Journal of molecular catalysis B: Enzymatic 122, 339-347, 2015
Induction of laccases in Trametes versicolor by aqueous wood extracts
B Bertrand, F Martínez-Morales, R Tinoco, S Rojas-Trejo, ...
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 30, 135-142, 2014
Marine antimicrobial peptides: a promising source of new generation antibiotics and other bio-active molecules
B Bertrand, C Munoz-Garay
International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics 25, 1441-1450, 2019
Estimation of pore dimensions in lipid membranes induced by peptides and other biomolecules: A review
B Bertrand, R Garduño-Juárez, C Munoz-Garay
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1863 (4), 183551, 2021
Production, purification and biochemical characterization of two laccase isoforms produced by Trametes versicolor grown on oak sawdust
F Martínez-Morales, B Bertrand, AA Pasión Nava, R Tinoco, ...
Biotechnology letters 37, 391-396, 2015
Efficient removal of azo-dye Orange II by fungal biomass absorption and laccase enzymatic treatment
A Riegas-Villalobos, F Martínez-Morales, R Tinoco-Valencia, ...
3 Biotech 10, 1-10, 2020
Biophysical approaches for exploring lipopeptide-lipid interactions
S Munusamy, R Conde, B Bertrand, C Munoz-Garay
Biochimie 170, 173-202, 2020
Functional expression, production, and biochemical characterization of a laccase using yeast surface display technology
B Bertrand, MR Trejo-Hernández, D Morales-Guzmán, L Caspeta, ...
Fungal biology 120 (12), 1609-1622, 2016
Improved production, purification, and characterization of biosurfactants produced by Serratia marcescens SM3 and its isogenic SMRG‐5 strain
NS Rosas‐Galván, F Martínez‐Morales, S Marquina‐Bahena, ...
Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 65 (5), 690-700, 2018
Production and application of a thermostable lipase from Serratia marcescens in detergent formulation and biodiesel production
EE García‐Silvera, F Martínez‐Morales, B Bertrand, D Morales‐Guzmán, ...
Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 65 (2), 156-172, 2018
Pleurotus ostreatus laccase recovery from residual compost using aqueous two‐phase systems
B Bertrand, K Mayolo‐Deloisa, M González‐González, ...
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 91 (8), 2235-2242, 2016
Characterization of Enterobacter cloacae BAGM01 Producing a Thermostable and Alkaline-Tolerant Rhamnolipid Biosurfactant from the Gulf of Mexico
NF Curiel-Maciel, F Martínez-Morales, AF Licea-Navarro, B Bertrand, ...
Marine Biotechnology 23, 106-126, 2021
Biophysical characterization of the insertion of two potent antimicrobial peptides-Pin2 and its variant Pin2 [GVG] in biological model membranes
B Bertrand, S Munusamy, JF Espinosa-Romero, G Corzo, IA Sosa, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1862 (2), 183105, 2020
Membrane fluidity, composition, and charge affect the activity and selectivity of the AMP ascaphin-8
A Morales-Martínez, B Bertrand, JM Hernández-Meza, R Garduño-Juárez, ...
Biophysical Journal 121 (16), 3034-3048, 2022
Laccase treatment of phenolic compounds for bioethanol production and the impact of these compounds on yeast physiology
KV Teymennet-Ramirez, F Martinez-Morales, C Munoz-Garay, B Bertrand, ...
Biocatalysis and Biotransformation 40 (1), 38-49, 2022
Microbial prospection of communities that produce biosurfactants from the water column and sediments of the Gulf of Mexico
D Morales‐Guzmán, F Martínez‐Morales, B Bertrand, NS Rosas‐Galván, ...
Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 68 (6), 1202-1215, 2021
Lacasas fungales: Inducción y producción
B Bertrand, F Martínez-Morales, MR Trejo-Hernández
Revista mexicana de ingeniería química 12 (3), 473-488, 2013
論文 1–20