Hankyul Baek
Hankyul Baek
고려대학교 전기전자공학 대학원
確認したメール アドレス: korea.ac.kr
Joint superposition coding and training for federated learning over multi-width neural networks
H Baek, WJ Yun, Y Kwak, S Jung, M Ji, M Bennis, J Park, J Kim
IEEE INFOCOM 2022-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1729-1738, 2022
SlimFL: Federated learning with superposition coding over slimmable neural networks
WJ Yun, Y Kwak, H Baek, S Jung, M Ji, M Bennis, J Park, J Kim
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 31 (6), 2499-2514, 2023
Stereoscopic scalable quantum convolutional neural networks
H Baek, WJ Yun, S Park, J Kim
Neural Networks 165, 860-867, 2023
Logarithmic dimension reduction for quantum neural networks
H Baek, S Park, J Kim
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and …, 2023
Projection valued measure-based quantum machine learning for multi-class classification
WJ Yun, H Baek, J Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.16731, 2022
Scalable quantum convolutional neural networks
H Baek, WJ Yun, J Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.12372, 2022
3D scalable quantum convolutional neural networks for point cloud data processing in classification applications
H Baek, WJ Yun, J Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.09728, 2022
Quantum reinforcement learning for spatio-temporal prioritization in metaverse
S Park, H Baek, J Kim
IEEE Access, 2024
FV-Train: Quantum Convolutional Neural Network Training with a Finite Number of Qubits by Extracting Diverse Features (Student Abstract)
H Baek, WJ Yun, J Kim
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (13), 16156 …, 2023
Quantum federated learning with entanglement controlled circuits and superposition coding
WJ Yun, JP Kim, H Baek, S Jung, J Park, M Bennis, J Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.01732, 2022
Quantum split learning for privacy-preserving information management
S Park, H Baek, J Kim
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and …, 2023
Modern trends in quantum AI: Distributed and high-definition computation
JP Kim, WJ Yun, H Baek, J Kim
2023 International conference on information networking (ICOIN), 750-754, 2023
Quantum split neural network learning using cross-channel pooling
WJ Yun, H Baek, J Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.06524, 2022
Communication and energy efficient slimmable federated learning via superposition coding and successive decoding
H Baek, WJ Yun, S Jung, J Park, M Ji, J Kim, M Bennis
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.03267, 2021
AQUA: Analytics-driven quantum neural network (QNN) user assistance for software validation
S Park, H Baek, JW Yoon, YK Lee, J Kim
Future Generation Computer Systems 159, 545-556, 2024
Fast quantum convolutional neural networks for low-complexity object detection in autonomous driving applications
EJ Roh, H Baek, D Kim, J Kim
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024
Neural myerson auction for truthful and distributed mobile charging in UAV-assisted digital-twin networks
S Jung, H Baek, J Kim
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2024
AI-Native Network Algorithms and Architectures
H Lee, S Park, H Baek, C Park, S Son, J Park, J Kim
Fundamentals of 6G Communications and Networking, 573-584, 2023
Fast quantum convolutional neural networks for low-complexity object detection in autonomous driving applications
H Baek, D Kim, J Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.01370, 2023
Real-Time High-Quality Visualization for Volumetric Contents Rendering: A Lyapunov Optimization Framework
H Baek, R Lee, S Jung, J Kim, S Park
IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society 4, 243-252, 2023
論文 1–20