Estrella Gomez-Herrera
The drivers and impediments for cross-border e-commerce in the EU
E Gomez-Herrera, B Martens, G Turlea
Information Economics and Policy 28, 83-96, 2014
Comparing alternative methods to estimate gravity models of bilateral trade
E Gómez-Herrera
Empirical economics 44, 1087-1111, 2013
The digital transformation of news media and the rise of disinformation and fake news
B Martens, L Aguiar, E Gomez-Herrera, F Mueller-Langer
Digital Economy Working Paper 2018-02, Joint Research Centre Technical Reports, 2018
The changing nature of work and skills in the digital age
IG Vazquez, S Milasi, SC Gomez, J Napierala, NR Bottcher, K Jonkers, ...
JRC Research Reports, 2019
The digital transformation of news media and the rise of disinformation and fake news-An economic perspective
B Martens, L Aguiar, E Gomez-Herrera, F Mueller-Langer
JRC Digit. Econ. Work. Pap 2, 57, 2018
The gravity model analysis: an application on MERCOSUR trade flows
EC García, M Navarro Pabsdorf, E Gómez Herrera
Journal of Economic Policy Reform 16 (4), 336-348, 2013
Is the ‘euro effect’on trade so small after all? New evidence using gravity equations with panel cointegration techniques
M Camarero, E Gómez, C Tamarit
Economics Letters 124 (1), 140-142, 2014
Market power and artificial intelligence work on online labour markets
N Duch-Brown, E Gomez-Herrera, F Mueller-Langer, S Tolan
Research Policy 51 (3), 104446, 2022
New evidence on trade and FDI: how large is the euro effect?
M Camarero, E Gómez-Herrera, C Tamarit
Open Economies Review 29, 451-467, 2018
Are estimation techniques neutral to estimate gravity equations
E Gómez Herrera, J BALEIX
An application to the impact of EMU on third countries’ exports. Trabalho …, 2009
Cross-border circulation of films and cultural diversity in the EU
G Alaveras, E Gomez-Herrera, B Martens
Journal of Cultural Economics 42 (4), 645-676, 2018
Mobility restrictions and the substitution between on-site and remote work: Empirical evidence from a European online labour market
F Mueller-Langer, E Gomez-Herrera
Information Economics and Policy 58, 100951, 2022
EMU and trade revisited: Long‐run evidence using gravity equations
M Camarero, E Gomez, C Tamarit
The World Economy 36 (9), 1146-1164, 2013
Trade, Competition and Welfare in Global Online Labour Markets: A'Gig Economy'Case Study
E Gomez-Herrera, B Martens, F Mueller-Langer
Available at SSRN 3090929, 2017
Language Copyright and Geographic Segmentation in the EU Digital, Single Market for Music and Film
EG Herrera, B Martens
Rev. Econ. Rsch. on Copyright Issues 15, 20, 2018
Film availability in Netflix country stores in the EU
M Batikas, E Gomez-Herrera, B Martens
Institute for Prospective Technological Studies Digital Economy Working Paper, 2015
Is there a gender wage gap in online labor markets? Evidence from over 250,000 projects and 2.5 million wage bill proposals
E Gomez Herrera, F Mueller-Langer
Evidence from Over 250, 19-07, 2019
How to quantify what is not seen? Two proposals for measuring platform work
A Pesole, E Fernandez-Macias, CU Brancati, EG Herrera
JRC Working Papers Series on Labour, Education and Technology, 2019
What’s Going On? Digitization and Global Music Trade Patterns since 2006
E Gomez-Herrera, B Martens, J Waldfogel
Institute for Prospective Technological Studies Digital Economy Working Paper, 2014
EMU impact of on third countries' exports: a gravity approach
E Gomez-Herrera, J Milgram Baleix
Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Teoría e Historia Económica, 2012
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