Markku Koskinen
Markku Koskinen
Yliopistotutkija, Helsingin yliopisto
確認したメール アドレス: helsinki.fi
Airborne small-footprint discrete-return LiDAR data in the assessment of boreal mire surface patterns, vegetation, and habitats
I Korpela, M Koskinen, H Vasander, M Holopainen, K Minkkinen
Forest ecology and management 258 (7), 1549-1566, 2009
Measurements of CO2 exchange with an automated chamber system throughout the year: challenges in measuring night-time respiration on porous peat soil
M Koskinen, K Minkkinen, P Ojanen, M Kämäräinen, T Laurila, A Lohila
Biogeosciences 11 (2), 347-363, 2014
Restoration of nutrient-rich forestry-drained peatlands poses a risk for high exports of dissolved organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus
M Koskinen, T Tahvanainen, S Sarkkola, MW Menberu, A Laurén, ...
Science of the Total Environment 586, 858-869, 2017
Ground surface microtopography and vegetation patterns in a tropical peat swamp forest
M Lampela, J Jauhiainen, I Kämäri, M Koskinen, T Tanhuanpää, ...
Catena 139, 127-136, 2016
Nitrous oxide emissions of undrained, forestry-drained, and rewetted boreal peatlands
K Minkkinen, P Ojanen, M Koskinen, T Penttilä
Forest Ecology and Management 478, 118494, 2020
Dissolved organic carbon export from harvested peatland forests with differing site characteristics
M Nieminen, M Koskinen, S Sarkkola, A Laurén, A Kaila, O Kiikkilä, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 226, 1-12, 2015
Post-restoration development of organic carbon and nutrient leaching from two ecohydrologically different peatland sites
M Koskinen, T Sallantaus, H Vasander
Ecological Engineering 37 (7), 1008-1016, 2011
Methane exchange at the peatland forest floor–automatic chamber system exposes the dynamics of small fluxes
M Korkiakoski, JP Tuovinen, M Aurela, M Koskinen, K Minkkinen, ...
Biogeosciences 14 (7), 1947-1967, 2017
Impact of re-wetting of forestry-drained peatlands on water quality—a laboratory approach assessing the release of P, N, Fe, and dissolved organic carbon
A Kaila, Z Asam, M Koskinen, R Uusitalo, A Smolander, O Kiikkilä, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 227, 1-15, 2016
Soiden ennallistamisen suoluonto-, vesistö-, ja ilmastovaikutukset
S Kareksela, P Ojanen, K Aapala, T Haapalehto, J Ilmonen, M Koskinen, ...
Vertaisarvioitu selvitysraportti. Suomen Luontopaneelin julkaisuja 3b, 2021
Overlooked organic vapor emissions from thawing Arctic permafrost
H Li, M Väliranta, M Mäki, L Kohl, ABK Sannel, J Pumpanen, M Koskinen, ...
Environmental Research Letters 15 (10), 104097, 2020
High methane emissions from restored Norway spruce swamps in southern Finland over one growing season
M Koskinen, L Maanavilja, M Nieminen, K Minkkinen, ES Tuittila
Mires and Peat 17 (2), 1-13, 2016
Small-footprint discrete-return LIDAR in tree species recognition
I Korpela, T Tokola, HO Ørka, M Koskinen
Proceedings of the ISPRS, 2-5, 2009
Interferences of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) on methane concentration measurements
L Kohl, M Koskinen, K Rissanen, I Haikarainen, T Polvinen, H Hellén, ...
Biogeosciences 16 (17), 3319-3332, 2019
Plant phenology and species‐specific traits control plant CH4 emissions in a northern boreal fen
M Ge, A Korrensalo, R Laiho, A Lohila, P Makiranta, M Pihlatie, ES Tuittila, ...
New Phytologist 238 (3), 1019-1032, 2023
Metsäojitettujen soiden typpi-ja fosforikuormitus Suomessa
M Nieminen, S Sarkkola, K Haahti, T Sallantaus, M Koskinen, P Ojanen
Suo 71 (1), 1-13, 2020
Natural and restored wetland buffers in reducing sediment and nutrient export from forested catchments: Finnish experiences
M Nieminen, A Kaila, M Koskinen, S Sarkkola, H Fritze, ES Tuittila, ...
The role of natural and constructed wetlands in nutrient cycling and …, 2015
Vegetation impacts ditch methane emissions from boreal forestry-drained peatlands—Moss-free ditches have an order-of-magnitude higher emissions than moss-covered ditches
AJ Rissanen, P Ojanen, L Stenberg, T Larmola, J Anttila, S Tuominen, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 11, 1121969, 2023
Soil-tree-atmosphere CH4 flux dynamics of boreal birch and spruce trees during spring leaf-out
E Vainio, IP Haikarainen, K Machacova, A Putkinen, M Santalahti, ...
Plant and Soil 478 (1), 391-407, 2022
Solar radiation drives methane emissions from the shoots of Scots pine
SAM Tenhovirta, L Kohl, M Koskinen, M Patama, A Lintunen, A Zanetti, ...
New Phytologist 235 (1), 66-77, 2022
論文 1–20