David Hodgson
David Hodgson
Associate Professor, Curtin University
確認したメール アドレス: curtin.edu.au - ホームページ
Social justice theory and practice for social work
L Watts, D Hodgson
Springer, 2019
'One size does not fit all': Engaging students who have experienced trauma
R Parker, D Hodgson
Issues in Educational Research 30 (1), 245-259, 2020
Helping doctoral students understand PhD thesis examination expectations: A framework and a tool for supervision
D Hodgson
Active Learning in Higher Education 21 (1), 51-63, 2020
Towards a more telling way of understanding early school leaving
D Hodgson
Issues in Educational Research 17 (1), 40-61, 2007
Good Teachers / Bad Teachers: How Rural Adolescent Students’ Views of Teachers Impact on Their School Experiences
J Strikwerda-Brown, R Oliver, D Hodgson, M Palmer, L Watts
Australian Journal of Teacher Education 33 (6), 29-43, 2008
Problematising Artificial Intelligence in Social Work Education: Challenges, Issues and Possibilities
D Hodgson, S Goldingay, J Boddy, S Nipperess, L Watts
The British Journal of Social Work 52 (4), 1878-1895, 2022
Key Concepts and Theory in Social Work
D Hodgson, L Watts
Palgrave MacMillan, 2017
What can moral and social intuitionism offer ethics education in social work? A reflective inquiry
D Hodgson, L Watts
The British Journal of Social Work 47 (1), 181-197, 2017
Whole curriculum mapping of assessment: Cartographies of assessment and learning
L Watts, D Hodgson
Social work education: The international journal, 2015
How Interaction with Animals Can Benefit Mental Health: A Phenomenological Study
J Jau, D Hodgson
Social Work in Mental Health, 2017
Understanding and improving discretionary judgment and decision-making in child protection practice: Towards a whole-of-system policy evaluation
D Hodgson, L Watts, D Chung
Social Work and Social Sciences Review 20 (1), 109-127, 2019
Policy rationalities and policy technologies: a programme for analysing the raised school‐leaving age in Western Australia
D Hodgson
Journal of Education Policy 26 (1), 115-130, 2011
Online and blended social work education in Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia: Negotiating the tensions
L Goldingay, S., Hodgson, D., Boddy, J., Nipperess, S. & Watts
Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education 21 (2), 62-74, 2020
Conceptualising the compulsory education policy apparatus: producing and reproducing risky subjectivities
D Hodgson
Journal of Education Policy 34 (1), 117-132, 2019
Disciplining the conduct of young people in compulsory education policy and practice
D Hodgson
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 10.1080/01596306 …, 2016
The experiences of human service managers in contexts of change and uncertainty
L Watts, M Schoder, D Hodgson
Australian Social Work 71 (3), 306-318, 2018
A program for valuing mental health lived experience in social work education
L Mahboub, R Martin, D Hodgson
Australian Social Work 76 (4), 441-454, 2023
Critical Social Science and Critical Theory
L Watts, D Hodgson
Social Justice Theory and Practice for Social Work, 97-116, 2019
Historiography of empathy: Contributions to social work research and practice
T Watson, D Hodgson, L Watts, R Waters
Qualitative Social Work 21 (4), 714-730, 2022
Social work doctoral education in Australia: The case for further development
D Hodgson, L Watts, PS Cordoba, S Nipperess
Australian Social Work 74 (1), 96-109, 2021
論文 1–20