Vandana Bhattacharjee
Vandana Bhattacharjee
確認したメール アドレス: bitmesra.ac.in
Software fault prediction using quad tree-based k-means clustering algorithm
PS Bishnu, V Bhattacherjee
IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering 24 (6), 1146-1150, 2011
StockNet—GRU based stock index prediction
U Gupta, V Bhattacharjee, PS Bishnu
Expert Systems with Applications 207, 117986, 2022
An efficient method for brain tumor detection and categorization using MRI images by K-means clustering & DWT
A Chaudhary, V Bhattacharjee
International Journal of Information Technology 12 (1), 141-148, 2020
Software development effort estimation–neural network vs. regression modeling approach
R Bhatnagar, V Bhattacharjee, MK Ghose
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 2 (7), 2950-2956, 2010
Increasing the prediction accuracy for thyroid disease: a step towards better health for society
R Jha, V Bhattacharjee, A Mustafi
Wireless Personal Communications 122 (2), 1921-1938, 2022
Modeling using K-means clustering algorithm
A Kumar, R Sinha, V Bhattacherjee, DS Verma, S Singh
2012 1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Information …, 2012
Factors affecting the choice of software life cycle models in the software industry-an empirical study
R Mahanti, MS Neogi, V Bhattacherjee
Journal of Computer Science 8 (8), 1253, 2012
Comparing some neural network models for software development effort prediction
MK Ghose, R Bhatnagar, V Bhattacharjee
2011 2nd National Conference on Emerging Trends and Applications in Computer …, 2011
Impact of parameter tuning for optimizing deep neural network models for predicting software faults
M Gupta, K Rajnish, V Bhattacharjee
Scientific Programming 2021 (1), 6662932, 2021
Time series-dependent feature of EEG signals for improved visually evoked emotion classification using EmotionCapsNet
N Kumari, S Anwar, V Bhattacharjee
Neural Computing and Applications 34 (16), 13291-13303, 2022
Software quality estimation using machine learning: Case-Based reasoning technique
E Rashid, S Patnaik, V Bhattacherjee
International Journal of Computer Applications 58 (14), 43-48, 2012
A survey in the area of machine learning and its application for software quality prediction
E Rashid, S Patnayak, V Bhattacherjee
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 37 (5), 1-7, 2012
Automated visual stimuli evoked multi-channel EEG signal classification using EEGCapsNet
N Kumari, S Anwar, V Bhattacharjee
Pattern Recognition Letters 153, 29-35, 2022
A proposed novel framework for early effort estimation using fuzzy logic techniques
R Bhatnagar, V Bhattacharjee, MK Ghose
Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology 10 (14), 66-71, 2010
Class inheritance metrics-an analytical and empirical approach
K Rajnish, V Bhattacherjee
INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science 7 (3), 25-34, 2008
An axiomatic definition of shannon's entropy
KK Nambiar, PK Varma, V Saroch
Applied mathematics letters 5 (4), 45-46, 1992
Efficient web information retrieval based on usage mining
I Mukherjee, V Bhattacharya, S Banerjee, PK Gupta, PK Mahanti
2012 1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Information …, 2012
A new metric for class inheritance hierarchy: an illustration
K Rajnish, V Bhattacherjee
Proceedings of national conference on emerging principles and practices of …, 2006
A deep learning-based approach for accurate diagnosis of alcohol usage severity using EEG signals
N Kumari, S Anwar, V Bhattacharjee
IETE Journal of Research 69 (11), 7816-7830, 2023
A comparative analysis of machine and deep learning techniques for EEG evoked emotion classification
N Kumari, S Anwar, V Bhattacharjee
Wireless Personal Communications 128 (4), 2869-2890, 2023
論文 1–20