Genny Orso
Genny Orso
確認したメール アドレス: unipd.it
Homotypic fusion of ER membranes requires the dynamin-like GTPase atlastin
G Orso, D Pendin, S Liu, J Tosetto, TJ Moss, JE Faust, M Micaroni, ...
Nature 460 (7258), 978-983, 2009
The hereditary spastic paraplegia gene, spastin, regulates microtubule stability to modulate synaptic structure and function
N Trotta, G Orso, MG Rossetto, A Daga, K Broadie
Current biology 14 (13), 1135-1147, 2004
Boswellia serrata preserves intestinal epithelial barrier from oxidative and inflammatory damage
D Catanzaro, S Rancan, G Orso, S Dall’Acqua, P Brun, MC Giron, ...
PloS one 10 (5), e0125375, 2015
Disease-related phenotypes in a Drosophila model of hereditary spastic paraplegia are ameliorated by treatment with vinblastine
G Orso, A Martinuzzi, MG Rossetto, E Sartori, M Feany, A Daga
The Journal of clinical investigation 115 (11), 3026-3034, 2005
Inhibition of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase sensitizes cisplatin-resistant cells to death
D Catanzaro, E Gaude, G Orso, C Giordano, G Guzzo, A Rasola, ...
Oncotarget 6 (30), 30102, 2015
Antibiotic‐induced dysbiosis of the microbiota impairs gut neuromuscular function in juvenile mice
V Caputi, I Marsilio, V Filpa, S Cerantola, G Orso, M Bistoletti, ...
British journal of pharmacology 174 (20), 3623-3639, 2017
Spastin binds to lipid droplets and affects lipid metabolism
C Papadopoulos, G Orso, G Mancuso, M Herholz, S Gumeni, N Tadepalle, ...
PLoS genetics 11 (4), e1005149, 2015
Cardiac glycoside ouabain induces autophagic cell death in non-small cell lung cancer cells via a JNK-dependent decrease of Bcl-2
A Trenti, P Grumati, F Cusinato, G Orso, P Bonaldo, L Trevisi
Biochemical pharmacology 89 (2), 197-209, 2014
Cholesterol metabolic reprogramming in cancer and its pharmacological modulation as therapeutic strategy
I Giacomini, F Gianfanti, MA Desbats, G Orso, M Berretta, T Prayer-Galetti, ...
Frontiers in oncology 11, 682911, 2021
The fine tuning of Drp1-dependent mitochondrial remodeling and autophagy controls neuronal differentiation
C Vantaggiato, M Castelli, M Giovarelli, G Orso, MT Bassi, E Clementi, ...
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 13, 120, 2019
Toll-like receptor 4 modulates small intestine neuromuscular function through nitrergic and purinergic pathways
V Caputi, I Marsilio, S Cerantola, M Roozfarakh, I Lante, F Galuppini, ...
Frontiers in pharmacology 8, 350, 2017
Variations in Dysbindin-1 are associated with cognitive response to antipsychotic drug treatment
D Scheggia, R Mastrogiacomo, M Mereu, S Sannino, RE Straub, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2265, 2018
Involvement of the P2X7 purinergic receptor in colonic motor dysfunction associated with bowel inflammation in rats
L Antonioli, MC Giron, R Colucci, C Pellegrini, D Sacco, V Caputi, G Orso, ...
PloS one 9 (12), e116253, 2014
Eight novel mutations in SPG4 in a large sample of patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia
F Crippa, C Panzeri, A Martinuzzi, A Arnoldi, F Redaelli, A Tonelli, ...
Archives of neurology 63 (5), 750-755, 2006
Antipsychotics promote metabolic disorders disrupting cellular lipid metabolism and trafficking
C Vantaggiato, E Panzeri, A Citterio, G Orso, M Pozzi
Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism 30 (3), 189-210, 2019
Colonic motor dysfunctions in a mouse model of high-fat diet-induced obesity: an involvement of A2B adenosine receptors
L Antonioli, C Pellegrini, M Fornai, E Tirotta, D Gentile, L Benvenuti, ...
Purinergic Signalling 13, 497-510, 2017
Western diet-induced metabolic alterations affect circulating markers of liver function before the development of steatosis
D Gabbia, M Roverso, M Guido, D Sacchi, M Scaffidi, M Carrara, G Orso, ...
Nutrients 11 (7), 1602, 2019
Interplay between colonic inflammation and tachykininergic pathways in the onset of colonic dysmotility in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity
L Antonioli, V Caputi, M Fornai, C Pellegrini, D Gentile, MC Giron, G Orso, ...
International Journal of Obesity 43 (2), 331-343, 2019
Serenoa repens and Urtica dioica Fixed Combination: In-Vitro Validation of a Therapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
M Saponaro, I Giacomini, G Morandin, V Cocetta, E Ragazzi, G Orso, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (23), 9178, 2020
‘Nature-inspired’drug–protein complexes as inhibitors of Aβ aggregation
M Bose, JE Gestwicki, V Devasthali, GR Crabtree, IA Graef
Biochemical Society Transactions 33 (4), 543-547, 2005
論文 1–20