Prof Jérôme St-Amand
Prof Jérôme St-Amand
確認したメール アドレス: uqo.ca - ホームページ
Sense of belonging at school: Defining attributes, determinants, and sustaining strategies.
J St-Amand, S Girard, J Smith
Changes in students’ achievement motivation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: A function of extraversion/introversion?
J Smith, FA Guimond, J Bergeron, J St-Amand, C Fitzpatrick, M Gagnon
Education Sciences 11 (1), 30, 2021
Le sentiment d’appartenance à l’école: une analyse conceptuelle
J St-Amand, F Bowen, T Wan Jung Lin
Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l'éducation 40 (1), 1-32, 2017
Motivational climate in physical education, achievement motivation, and physical Activity: A latent interaction model
R Girard, S., St-Amand, J., & Chouinard
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 1-11, 0
Le sentiment d'appartenance à l'école: un regard conceptuel, psychométrique et théorique
J St-Amand
Is teacher humor an asset in classroom management? Examining its association with students’ well-being, sense of school belonging, and engagement
J St-Amand, J Smith, M Goulet
Current Psychology, 1-1, 2023
The development of the French version of the Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM) questionnaire: An analysis of its structure, properties and potential for research …
J St-Amand, R Boily, F Bowen, J Smith, M Janosz, J Verner-Filion
Interdisciplinary Education and Psychology 2 (3), 3, 2020
Participation in sports-related extracurricular activities: A strategy that enhances school engagement
J St-Amand, S Girard, MH Hiroux, J Smith
McGill Journal of Education 52 (1), 197-206, 2017
Understanding Teacher's Humor and Its Attributes in Classroom Management: A Conceptual Study.
J St-Amand, J Smith, S Béland, D Moreau
Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice 21 (2), 2021
Linking high school students’ achievement goal orientations with their competence beliefs and their perception of teachers’ emotional support during the COVID-19 pandemic
J Smith, MF Nadeau, I Archambault, FA Guimond, J St-Amand, ...
Frontiers in Education 7, 762766, 2022
Development and Validation of a Model Predicting Students’ Sense of School Belonging and Engagement as a Function of School Climate
J St-Amand, J Smith, A Rasmy
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 20 (12), 2021
Climat motivationnel et buts de maîtrise en éducation physique: rôle modérateur du sexe et du sentiment de compétence
S Girard, R Chouinard, J St-Amand
Revue phénEPS/PHEnex Journal 7 (1), 2015
An analysis of mechanisms underlying social goals in physical education: a comparison between ordinary and special classes
S Girard, J Lemoyne, D Blais, J St-Amand
Physical education and sport pedagogy 27 (3), 320-337, 2022
Le sentiment d’appartenance à l’école : validation d’un modèle théorique prédisant l’engagement et le rendement scolaire en mathématiques
S 7. St-Amand, J., Bowen, F., Dulut, O., Cormier, D., Janosz, M. et Girard
Formation et Profession 15 (1), 1-24, 2020
The evolution of motivation to learn in the context of the transition to secondary school: Developmental trajectories and relational determinants
R 6. Smith, J., Moreau, D., Paquin, S., St-Amand, J. et Chouinard
The International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum 27 (2), 17-37, 2020
An examination of teacher’s classroom management: Do gender stereotypes matter in the student-teacher relationships
J St-Amand
The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education 8 (3), 1-10, 2018
A remediation measure as an alternative to grade retention: A study on achievement motivation
J Smith, S Paquin, J St‐Amand, C Singh, D Moreau, J Bergeron, M Leroux
Psychology in the Schools 59 (6), 1209-1221, 2022
Examining high school students’ personality traits of extraversion and emotional stability in relation to their academic expectation and value appraisals
J Smith, FA Guimond, P Aucoin, M Gagnon, D Moreau, J St-Amand, ...
Interdisciplinary education and psychology 2 (3), 6, 2021
Empirical validation of a model for predicting students’ sense of school belonging and school engagement as a function of classroom management practices
A St-Amand, J., Smith, J., $ Rasmy
International Journal of Educational Psychology 11 (2), 94-124, 2022
Using personality traits to predict correspondence between self-perception of academic competence and achievement: A latent profile analysis study
J Smith, G Garon-Carrier, FA Guimond, C Fitzpatrick, T Chichekian, ...
Social Psychology of Education 27 (1), 283-297, 2024
論文 1–20