Sung Hoo Kim
Sung Hoo Kim
確認したメール アドレス: hanyang.ac.kr
Will autonomous vehicles change residential location and vehicle ownership? Glimpses from Georgia
SH Kim, PL Mokhtarian, G Circella
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 82, 102291, 2020
Prediction and factor identification for crash severity: comparison of discrete choice and tree-based models
X Wang, SH Kim
Transportation research record 2673 (9), 640-653, 2019
Identifying latent mode-use propensity segments in an all-AV era
SH Kim, G Circella, PL Mokhtarian
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 130, 192-207, 2019
Taste heterogeneity as an alternative form of endogeneity bias: Investigating the attitude-moderated effects of built environment and socio-demographics on vehicle ownership …
SH Kim, PL Mokhtarian
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 116, 130-150, 2018
How, and for whom, will activity patterns be modified by self-driving cars? Expectations from the state of Georgia
SH Kim, PL Mokhtarian, G Circella
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 70, 68-80, 2020
Finite mixture (or latent class) modeling in transportation: Trends, usage, potential, and future directions
SH Kim, PL Mokhtarian
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 172, 134-173, 2023
Teleworking behavior pre-, during, and expected post-COVID: Identification and empirical description of trajectory types
X Wang, SH Kim, PL Mokhtarian
Travel Behaviour and Society 33, 100628, 2023
Analysis of user satisfaction to promote public transportation: A pattern-recognition approach focusing on out-of-vehicle time
SH Kim, JH Chung, S Park, K Choi
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 11 (8), 582-592, 2017
Who (never) makes overnight leisure trips? Disentangling structurally zero trips from usual trip generation processes
SH Kim, PL Mokhtarian
Travel Behaviour and Society 25, 78-91, 2021
Exploration on origin–destination-based travel time variability: Insights from Seoul metropolitan area
SH Kim, JH Chung
Journal of Transport Geography 70, 104-113, 2018
Reinterpretation of the Likert scale for public transportation user satisfaction: Pattern recognition approach
SH Kim, JH Chung
Transportation Research Record 2541 (1), 90-99, 2016
Comparisons of observed and unobserved parameter heterogeneity in modeling vehicle-miles driven
SH Kim, PL Mokhtarian
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 172, 103614, 2023
The Impact of Emerging Technologies and Trends on Travel Demand in Georgia
SH Kim, PL Mokhtarian, G Circella
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019
How heterogeneity has been examined in transportation safety analysis: A review of latent class modeling applications
SH Kim
Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 100292, 2023
Exploring Heterogeneous Structural Relationships Between E-Shopping, Local Accessibility, and Car-Based Travel: An Application of Enriched National Household Travel Survey Add …
SH Kim, PL Mokhtarian, S Choo, G Circella
Transportation Research Record 2677 (5), 463-480, 2023
A note on the sample selection (switching regression) model and treatment effects for a log-transformed outcome variable, in the context of residential self-selection
SH Kim, PL Mokhtarian
Transportation 51 (5), 1723-1757, 2024
Identifying teleworking-related motives and comparing telework frequency expectations in the post-pandemic world: A latent class choice modeling approach
X Wang, SH Kim, PL Mokhtarian
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 186, 104070, 2024
Do people expect autonomous vehicles to change their long-term travel-related decisions? Accounting for taste heterogeneity in prospective residential location and vehicle …
SH Kim, PL Mokhtarian, G Circella
International Choice Modelling Conference 2019, 2019
Investigating the Moderating Effects of Built Environment and Socio-demographics on Vehicle Ownership Using Latent Class Modeling
SH Kim, PL Mokhtarian
Transportation Research Board 97th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2018
Latent class choice models with an error structure: Investigating potential unobserved associations between latent segmentation and behavior generation
SH Kim, PL Mokhtarian
Journal of Choice Modelling 53, 100519, 2024
論文 1–20