Matthias Jamin
Matthias Jamin
Central Institute for Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany
確認したメール アドレス: zi-mannheim.de
The Belle II physics book
E Kou, P Urquijo, W Altmannshofer, F Beaujean, G Bell, M Beneke, II Bigi, ...
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2019 (12), 123C01, 2019
Leading and next-to-leading QCD corrections to ɛ-parameter and B0− B¯ 0 mixing in the presence of a heavy top quark
AJ Buras, M Jamin, PH Weisz
Nuclear Physics B 347 (3), 491-536, 1990
Effective Hamiltonians for ΔS= 1 and ΔB= 1 non-leptonic decays beyond the leading logarithmic approximation
AJ Buras, M Jamin, ME Lautenbacher, PH Weisz
Nuclear Physics B 370 (1), 69-104, 1992
Two-loop anomalous dimension matrix for ΔS= 1 weak non-leptonic decays (I). O (α2s)
AJ Buras, M Jamin, ME Lautenbacher, PH Weisz
Nuclear Physics B 400 (1-3), 37-74, 1993
The anatomy of ε′/ε beyond leading logarithms with improved hadronic matrix elements
AJ Buras, M Jamin, ME Lautenbacher
Nuclear Physics B 408 (2), 209-285, 1993
Heavy quarkonium physics
N Brambilla, M Krämer, R Mussa, A Vairo, G Bali, GT Bodwin, E Braaten, ...
arXiv preprint hep-ph/0412158, 2004
S-wave Kπ scattering in chiral perturbation theory with resonances
M Jamin, JA Oller, A Pich
Nuclear Physics B 587 (1-3), 331-362, 2000
and from QCD sum rules
M Jamin, BO Lange
Physical Review D 65 (5), 056005, 2002
and from Hadronic Decays
E Gamiz, M Jamin, A Pich, J Prades, F Schwab
Physical review letters 94 (1), 011803, 2005
Flavour-symmetry breaking of the quark condensate and chiral corrections to the Gell-Mann–Oakes–Renner relation
M Jamin
Physics Letters B 538 (1-2), 71-76, 2002
Strangeness-changing scalar form factors
M Jamin, JA Oller, A Pich
Nuclear Physics B 622 (1-2), 279-308, 2002
αs and the τ hadronic width: fixed-order, contour-improved and higher-order perturbation theory
M Beneke, M Jamin
Journal of High Energy Physics 2008 (09), 044, 2008
Baryon masses and flavour symmetry breaking of chiral condensates
HG Dosch, M Jamin, S Narison
Physics Letters B 220 (1-2), 251-257, 1989
The Strange quark mass from QCD sum rules
M Jamin, M Münz
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 66, 633-645, 1995
Standard model confronting new results for ε′/ε
S Bosch, AJ Buras, M Gorbahn, S Jäger, M Jamin, ME Lautenbacher, ...
Nuclear Physics B 565 (1-2), 3-37, 2000
Determination of ms and| Vus| from hadronic τ decays
E Gámiz, J Prades, M Jamin, F Schwab, A Pich
Journal of High Energy Physics 2003 (01), 060, 2003
TRACER version 1.1: A mathematica package for γ-algebra in arbitrary dimensions
M Jamin, ME Lautenbacher
Computer Physics Communications 74 (2), 265-288, 1993
Scalar form factor and light-quark masses
M Jamin, JA Oller, A Pich
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 74 (7), 074009, 2006
Order p 6 chiral couplings from the scalar Kπ form factor
M Jamin, JA Oller, A Pich
Journal of High Energy Physics 2004 (02), 047, 2004
A 1996 analysis of the CP violating ratio ε′/ε
AJ Buras, M Jamin, ME Lautenbacher
Physics Letters B 389 (4), 749-756, 1996
論文 1–20