madjda saadaoui
madjda saadaoui
طالبة دكتوراه جامعة لونيسي علي البليدة2
確認したメール アドレス: Univ-blida2.dz
Characterization of date palm lignocellulosic by-products and self-bonded composite materials obtained thereof
N Saadaoui, A Rouilly, K Fares, L Rigal
Materials & Design 50, 302-308, 2013
Potential applications of olive mill wastewater as biopesticide for crops protection
A El-Abbassi, N Saadaoui, H Kiai, J Raiti, A Hafidi
Science of the Total Environment 576, 10-21, 2017
Sugar beet lime sludge composts as organic fertilizers
K Fares, N Saadaoui, Q R¿ Zina
III International Symposium on Organic Matter Management and Compost Use in …, 2015
Impact of carbonatation lime addition on composting of vegetable oil refining sludge
OS Hassani, N Saadaoui, S Loqman, S Rida, N Soraa, Q R’zina, K Fares
Sugar industry-zuckerindustrie 144 (3), 139-146, 2019
Characterization of date palm lignocellulosic by-products and self-bonded composite materials
A Rouilly, N Saadaoui, K Fares, T PINTIAUX
Using carbonation lime sludge in the co-composting of wastewater sludge and green waste: Physicochemical and microbial monitoring
S Rida, HO Saadani, N Saadaoui, M Mobaligh, N Souraa, S Loqman, ...
LISTY CUKROVARNICKE A REPARSKE 138 (5-6), 230-230, 2022
Using carbonation lime sludge in the co-composting of wastewater sludge and green waste: physicochemical and microbial monitoring.
S Rida, OS Hassani, N Saadaoui, M Mobaligh, K Fares, N Souraa, ...
Co-composting of poultry manure with carbonation lime: monitoring of physicochemical and microbiological parameters
Q R’zina, N Saadaoui, M Lahrouni, MY Almoussayd, OS Hassani, S Rida, ...
Zuckerindustrie 143 (8), 466-473, 2018
Valorization of palm date by-products as self-bonded materials
N Saadaoui, A Rouilly, K Fares, T Pintiaux, L Rigal
8. International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, np, 2011
Valorization of carbonatation lime and household waste by production of compost: solution for a sustainable development.
N Saadaoui, M Meskine, M El-Amrani, N Boukachaba, A El-Fazazi, ...
論文 1–10