Utjok WR Siagian
Utjok WR Siagian
確認したメール アドレス: itb.ac.id
Membrane-based carbon capture technologies: Membrane gas separation vs. membrane contactor
UWR Siagian, A Raksajati, NF Himma, K Khoiruddin, IG Wenten
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 67, 172-195, 2019
Membrane fouling and fouling mitigation in oil–water separation: A review
PD Sutrisna, KA Kurnia, UWR Siagian, S Ismadji, IG Wenten
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10 (3), 107532, 2022
A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategies
H Waisman, C Bataille, H Winkler, F Jotzo, P Shukla, M Colombier, ...
Nature Climate Change 9 (4), 261-268, 2019
Pedoman penyelenggaraan inventarisasi gas rumah kaca nasional
KL Hidup
Buku II 1, 2012
Low-carbon energy development in Indonesia in alignment with Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) by 2030
UWR Siagian, BB Yuwono, S Fujimori, T Masui
Energies 10 (1), 52, 2017
High-performance ultrafiltration membrane: Recent progress and its application for wastewater treatment
UWR Siagian, K Khoiruddin, AK Wardani, PTP Aryanti, IN Widiasa, G Qiu, ...
Current Pollution Reports, 1-15, 2021
The extraction of hydrocarbons from crude oil by high pressure CO2
UWR Siagian, RB Grigg
SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference?, SPE-39684-MS, 1998
Good practice policies to bridge the emissions gap in key countries
LB Baptista, R Schaeffer, HL van Soest, P Fragkos, PRR Rochedo, ...
Global Environmental Change 73, 102472, 2022
Oilfield produced water reuse and reinjection with membrane
UWR Siagian, S Widodo, AK Wardani, IG Wenten
MATEC web of conferences 156, 08005, 2018
Equitable, affordable, and deep decarbonization pathways for low-latitude developing cities by rooftop photovoltaics integrated with electric vehicles
RG Dewi, UWR Siagian, B Asmara, SD Anggraini, J Ichihara, T Kobashi
Applied Energy 332, 120507, 2023
Post-2020 Climate Action
S Fujimori, T Hasegawa, T Masui, M Kainuma
Springer Singapore, 2017
Understanding and Exploiting Four-Phase Flow in Low-Temperature CO2 Floods
RB Grigg, UWR Siagian
SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conference, SPE-39790-MS, 1998
The potential of biomass residues as energy sources in Indonesia
S Dewi, U Siagian
Jakarta: LIPI, 1992
Pathways to deep decarbonizing agriculture, forest and other land uses sector in Indonesia
R Boer, UWR Siagian, RG Dewi, GE Ginting, I Hendrawan, BB Yuwono
Paris, France, 2016
A novel approach of H2S Corrosion Modeling in Oil/Gas production Pipeline
UW R. Siagian, HPS Siregar, RK Santoso, DD Salam, S Sumarli
International Petroleum Technology Conference, IPTC-18148-MS, 2014
From waste to resource: Membrane technology for effective treatment and recovery of valuable elements from oilfield produced water
UWR Siagian, L Lustiyani, K Khoiruddin, S Ismadji, IG Wenten, ...
Environmental Pollution 340, 122717, 2024
Pathways to deep decarbonization in Indonesia
UWR Siagian, RG Dewi, R Boer, I Hendrawana, BB Yuwono, GE Ginting
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and Institute for …, 2015
The impacts of CO2 flooding on crude oil stability and recovery performance
KF Hartono, AK Permadi, UWR Siagian, ALL Hakim, S Paryoto, AH Resha, ...
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology 14 (1), 107-123, 2024
Advances in membrane bioreactor: High performance and antifouling configurations
UWR Siagian, K Khoiruddin, YP Ting, R Boopathy, IG Wenten
Current Pollution Reports 8 (2), 98-112, 2022
Reverse osmosis separation of NaCl using a bentonite membrane
TM Whitworth, U Welo Siagian, R Lee
Separation science and technology 38 (16), 4009-4025, 2003
論文 1–20