Eva Feldbacher
Eva Feldbacher
WasserCluster Lunz am See, Arbeitsgruppe BIGER
確認したメール アドレス: wcl.ac.at - ホームページ
Integrating conflicting goals of the EC water framework directive and the EC habitats directives into floodplain restoration schemes
G Weigelhofer, E Feldbacher, D Trauner, E Pölz, T Hein, A Funk
Frontiers in Environmental Science 8, 538139, 2020
Assessing multi-scale effects of natural water retention measures on in-stream fine bed material deposits with a modeling cascade
D Baldan, B Mehdi, E Feldbacher, M Piniewski, C Hauer, T Hein
Journal of Hydrology 594, 125702, 2021
Twenty years of research on water management issues in the Danube Macro-region—past developments and future directions
E Feldbacher, M Paun, W Reckendorfer, M Sidoroff, A Stanica, B Strimbu, ...
Science of the Total Environment 572, 1297-1306, 2016
Identifying gaps in climate change education-a case study in Austrian schools
E Feldbacher, M Waberer, L Campostrini, G Weigelhofer
International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education 33 (2 …, 2024
Effects of intermittent flow on biofilms are driven by stream characteristics rather than history of intermittency
LE Coulson, E Feldbacher, B Pitzl, G Weigelhofer
Science of the Total Environment 849, 157809, 2022
Development perspectives on aquatic ecology and management options for the Lower Lobau
T Hein, E Bondar-Kunze, E Feldbacher, A Funk, W Graf, G Haidvogel, ...
Acta ZooBot Austria 159, 67-85, 2023
From knowledge to action-can modern and active teaching formats help to bridge the value-action gap among school students and raise their climate-friendly behavior?
E Feldbacher, M Waberer, L Campostrini, G Weigelhofer
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-8229, 2021
Citizen Science with Schools—Obstacles and Opportunities
E Feldbacher, E Pölz, M Panzenböck, G Weigelhofer
Proceedings of the Austrian Citizen Science Conference, 2017
Integrierte gewässerökologische Modellansätze zur Beurteilung von Gewässervernetzungsvarianten am Beispiel der Unteren Lobau
D Trauner, A Funk, EM Pölz, E Feldbacher, G Weigelhofer, ...
Österr Wasser-und Abfallw., DOI 10, 2016
Neue Wege in der Wissenschaftsbildung: Inter-und Transdisziplinarität als Schlüssel
E Feldbacher, C Sippl, M Panzenböck, G Jöstl, D Eibl, E Akbari, ...
R&E-SOURCE 11 (1), 75–88-75–88, 2024
The science literacy board game: a new tool for improving science literacy with informal youth education (SCIBORG)
LE Coulson, K Lekkas, C Morar, L Matei, E Feldbacher
EGU24, 2024
Joining efforts to improve Science Communication and Science Education-a new Austrian partnership project
E Feldbacher, G Weigelhofer, M Panzenböck, C Sippl, G Jöstl
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-11335, 2023
Enhancing River-Sea System Understanding by providing insights into headwaters-the Upper Danube Austria Supersite of DANUBIUS-RI
E Feldbacher, S Schmutz, G Weigelhofer, T Hein
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 22281, 2020
Integrated hydro-ecological modelling approaches to assess reconnection options of water bodies–A case study of the Lower Lobau
D Trauner, A Funk, EM Pölz, E Feldbacher, G Weigelhofer, ...
Österreichische Wasser-und Abfallwirtschaft 68, 301-307, 2016
論文 1–14