Mohammed Ombadi
Mohammed Ombadi
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
確認したメール アドレス: umich.edu - ホームページ
The CHRS Data Portal, an easily accessible public repository for PERSIANN global satellite precipitation data
P Nguyen, EJ Shearer, H Tran, M Ombadi, N Hayatbini, T Palacios, ...
Scientific data 6 (1), 1-10, 2019
The PERSIANN family of global satellite precipitation data: A review and evaluation of products
P Nguyen, M Ombadi, S Sorooshian, K Hsu, A AghaKouchak, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (11), 5801-5816, 2018
A warming-induced reduction in snow fraction amplifies rainfall extremes
M Ombadi, MD Risser, AM Rhoades, C Varadharajan
Nature 619 (7969), 305-310, 2023
Developing intensity‐duration‐frequency (IDF) curves from satellite‐based precipitation: Methodology and evaluation
M Ombadi, P Nguyen, S Sorooshian, K Hsu
Water Resources Research 54 (10), 7752-7766, 2018
Persiann dynamic infrared–rain rate (PDIR-now): A near-real-time, quasi-global satellite precipitation dataset
P Nguyen, M Ombadi, VA Gorooh, EJ Shearer, M Sadeghi, S Sorooshian, ...
Journal of hydrometeorology 21 (12), 2893-2906, 2020
Evaluation of methods for causal discovery in hydrometeorological systems
M Ombadi, P Nguyen, S Sorooshian, K Hsu
Water Resources Research 56 (7), e2020WR027251, 2020
PERSIANN Dynamic Infrared–Rain rate model (PDIR) for high-resolution, real-time satellite precipitation estimation
P Nguyen, EJ Shearer, M Ombadi, VA Gorooh, K Hsu, S Sorooshian, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101 (3), E286-E302, 2020
A cloud-free MODIS snow cover dataset for the contiguous United States from 2000 to 2017
H Tran, P Nguyen, M Ombadi, K Hsu, S Sorooshian, X Qing
Scientific data 6 (1), 1-13, 2019
Can machine learning accelerate process understanding and decision‐relevant predictions of river water quality?
C Varadharajan, AP Appling, B Arora, DS Christianson, VC Hendrix, ...
Hydrological Processes 36 (4), e14565, 2022
The CHRS data portal, an easily accessible public repository for PERSIANN global satellite precipitation data, Sci. Data, 6, 1–10
P Nguyen, EJ Shearer, H Tran, M Ombadi, N Hayatbini, T Palacios, ...
Retrospective analysis and Bayesian model averaging of CMIP6 precipitation in the Nile River Basin
M Ombadi, P Nguyen, S Sorooshian, K Hsu
Journal of Hydrometeorology 22 (1), 217-229, 2021
Complexity of hydrologic basins: A chaotic dynamics perspective
M Ombadi, P Nguyen, S Sorooshian, K Hsu
Journal of Hydrology 597, 126222, 2021
Improving hydrologic modeling using cloud-free modis flood maps
H Tran, P Nguyen, M Ombadi, K Hsu, S Sorooshian, K Andreadis
Journal of Hydrometeorology 20 (11), 2203-2214, 2019
Recreating the California New Year's flood event of 1997 in a regionally refined Earth system model
AM Rhoades, CM Zarzycki, HA Inda‐Diaz, M Ombadi, U Pasquier, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 15 (10), e2023MS003793, 2023
A cloud-free MODIS snow cover dataset for the contiguous United States from 2000 to 2017, Sci. Data, 6, 180300
H Tran, P Nguyen, M Ombadi, K Hsu, S Sorooshian, X Qing
How much information on precipitation is contained in satellite infrared imagery?
M Ombadi, P Nguyen, S Sorooshian, K Hsu
Atmospheric Research 256, 105578, 2021
What's the temperature tomorrow? Increasing trends in extreme volatility of daily maximum temperature in Central and Eastern United States (1950–2019)
M Ombadi, MD Risser
Weather and Climate Extremes 38, 100515, 2022
Urbanization and aridity mediate distinct salinity response to floods in rivers and streams across the contiguous United States
M Ombadi, C Varadharajan
Water Research 220, 118664, 2022
PERSIANN-CDR for Hydrology and Hydro-climatic Applications
P Nguyen, H Ashouri, M Ombadi, N Hayatbini, KL Hsu, S Sorooshian
Satellite Precipitation Measurement: Volume 2, 993-1012, 2020
Anticipating how rain-on-snow events will change through the 21st century: lessons from the 1997 new year’s flood event
AM Rhoades, CM Zarzycki, BJ Hatchett, H Inda-Diaz, W Rudisill, B Bass, ...
Climate Dynamics 62 (9), 8615-8637, 2024
論文 1–20