Hamid Mohebzadeh
Hamid Mohebzadeh
School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada
確認したメール アドレス: uoguelph.ca
Employing machine learning algorithms for streamflow prediction: a case study of four river basins with different climatic zones in the United States
P Parisouj, H Mohebzadeh, T Lee
Water Resources Management 34 (13), 4113-4131, 2020
Development of a neural network technique for prediction of water quality parameters in the Delaware River, Pennsylvania.
M Heydari, E Olyaie, H Mohebzadeh, Ö Kisi
Quantitative analysis of water balance components in Lake Urmia, Iran using remote sensing technology
H Mohebzadeh, M Fallah
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 13, 389-400, 2019
Numerical simulation of groundwater flow and contamination transport in Nahavand plain aquifer, west of Iran
H Banejad, H Mohebzadeh, MH Ghobadi, M Heydari
Journal of the Geological Society of India 83 (1), 83-92, 2014
Estimation of daily reference evapotranspiration with limited climatic data using machine learning approaches across different climate zones in New Mexico
E Mokari, D DuBois, Z Samani, H Mohebzadeh, K Djaman
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 147, 575-587, 2022
Physics-informed data-driven model for predicting streamflow: A case study of the Voshmgir Basin, Iran
P Parisouj, E Mokari, H Mohebzadeh, H Goharnejad, C Jun, J Oh, ...
Applied Sciences 12 (15), 7464, 2022
Spatial downscaling of MODIS Chlorophyll-a with machine learning techniques over the west coast of the Yellow Sea in South Korea
H Mohebzadeh, T Lee
Journal of oceanography 77 (1), 103-122, 2021
Machine learning techniques for gully erosion susceptibility mapping: a review
H Mohebzadeh, A Biswas, R Rudra, P Daggupati
Geosciences 12 (12), 429, 2022
A machine learning approach for spatiotemporal imputation of MODIS chlorophyll-a
H Mohebzadeh, E Mokari, P Daggupati, A Biswas
International Journal of Remote Sensing 42 (19), 7381-7404, 2021
Spatial downscaling of MODIS chlorophyll-a with genetic programming in South Korea
H Mohebzadeh, J Yeom, T Lee
Remote Sensing 12 (9), 1412, 2020
Numerical simulation of the flow and contaminant transport in groundwater, case study: Nahavand plain aquifer
H Banejad, H Mohebzadeh, MH Ghobadi, M Heidari
Water and Soil Science 23 (2), 43-57, 2013
Extracting A-L Relationship for Urmia Lake, Iran Using MODIS NDVI/NDWI Indices
H Mohebzadeh
Journal of Hydrogeology & Hydrologic Engineering 7 (1), 2018
Comparison of Methods for Fitting the Theoretical Variogram to the Experimental Variogram for Estimation of Depth to Groundwater and its Temporal and Spatial Variations
H Mohebzadeh
American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences 18 (2), 13, 2018
Allocating underground dam sites using remote sensing and GIS case study on the southwestern plain of Tehran Province, Iran
A Fathi, T Lee, H Mohebzadeh
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 47, 989-1002, 2019
Spatiotemporal imputation of MODIS land surface temperature using machine learning techniques (Case study: New Mexico's Lower Rio Grande Valley)
E Mokari, H Mohebzadeh, Z Samani, D DuBois, P Daggupati
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 24, 100651, 2021
Rainfall-runoff simulation using satellite rainfall in a scarce data catchment
P Parisouj, T Lee, H Mohebzadeh, H Mohammadzadeh Khani
Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research 9 (2), 161-174, 2021
Quantitative analysis of water balance components in Lake Urmia, Iran using remote sensing technology. Remote Sens Appl Soc Environ 13: 389–400
H Mohebzadeh, M Fallah
Transferability of predictive models to map susceptibility of ephemeral gullies at large scale
H Mohebzadeh, A Biswas, B DeVries, R Rudra, P Daggupati
Natural Hazards 120 (5), 4527-4561, 2024
Evaluation of the impact of best management practices on ephemeral gully and sheet/rill erosion using the AnnAGNPS model
H Mohebzadeh, A Biswas, B DeVries, R Rudra, R Shukla, P Daggupati
Catena 246, 108436, 2024
Assessment of GIS ability in zonation of the seasonal and annual distribution of total solar radiation (Case study: Central provinces of Iran)
AA Sabziparvar, B Khatar, H Mohebzadeh
Iranian Journal of Geophysics 9 (2), 2015
論文 1–20