christian kerbiriou
christian kerbiriou
Maitre de conférences, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
確認したメール アドレス: mnhn.fr - ホームページ
The contribution of motorway stormwater retention ponds to the biodiversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates
I Le Viol, J Mocq, R Julliard, C Kerbiriou
Biological Conservation 142 (12), 3163-3171, 2009
Tree microhabitats as indicators of bird and bat communities in Mediterranean forests
B Regnery, D Couvet, L Kubarek, JF Julien, C Kerbiriou
Ecological Indicators 34, 221-230, 2013
Ecological corridors also operate in an urban matrix: a test case with garden shrews
A Vergnes, C Kerbiriou, P Clergeau
Urban ecosystems 16, 511-525, 2013
Defining reintroduction success using IUCN criteria for threatened species: a demographic assessment
A Robert, B Colas, I Guigon, C Kerbiriou, JB Mihoub, M Saint‐Jalme, ...
Animal Conservation 18 (5), 397-406, 2015
Balancing state and volunteer investment in biodiversity monitoring for the implementation of CBD indicators: A French example
H Levrel, B Fontaine, PY Henry, F Jiguet, R Julliard, C Kerbiriou, ...
Ecological economics 69 (7), 1580-1586, 2010
OECD pressure–state–response indicators for managing biodiversity: a realistic perspective for a French biosphere reserve
H Levrel, C Kerbiriou, D Couvet, J Weber
Biodiversity and Conservation 18, 1719-1732, 2009
Disentangling the relative effect of light pollution, impervious surfaces and intensive agriculture on bat activity with a national-scale monitoring program
C Azam, I Le Viol, JF Julien, Y Bas, C Kerbiriou
Landscape ecology 31, 2471-2483, 2016
The influence of low intensities of light pollution on bat communities in a semi-natural context
A Lacoeuilhe, N Machon, JF Julien, A Le Bocq, C Kerbiriou
PloS one 9 (10), e103042, 2014
Is part‐night lighting an effective measure to limit the impacts of artificial lighting on bats?
C Azam, C Kerbiriou, A Vernet, JF Julien, Y Bas, L Plichard, J Maratrat, ...
Global Change Biology 21 (12), 4333-4341, 2015
Which factors influence the occurrence and density of tree microhabitats in Mediterranean oak forests?
B Regnery, Y Paillet, D Couvet, C Kerbiriou
Forest Ecology and Management 295, 118-125, 2013
Tourism in protected areas can threaten wild populations: from individual response to population viability of the chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
C Kerbiriou, I Le Viol, A Robert, E Porcher, F Gourmelon, R Julliard
Journal of Applied Ecology 46 (3), 657-665, 2009
Evidence for distance and illuminance thresholds in the effects of artificial lighting on bat activity
C Azam, I Le Viol, Y Bas, G Zissis, A Vernet, JF Julien, C Kerbiriou
Landscape and Urban Planning 175, 123-135, 2018
More amphibians than expected in highway stormwater ponds
I Le Viol, F Chiron, R Julliard, C Kerbiriou
Ecological Engineering 47, 146-154, 2012
Estimating habitat loss due to wind turbine avoidance by bats: Implications for European siting guidance
K Barré, I Le Viol, Y Bas, R Julliard, C Kerbiriou
Biological Conservation 226, 205-214, 2018
The impact of human frequentation on coastal vegetation in a biosphere reserve
C Kerbiriou, I Leviol, F Jiguet, R Julliard
Journal of environmental management 88 (4), 715-728, 2008
Crop genetic diversity benefits farmland biodiversity in cultivated fields
C Chateil, I Goldringer, L Tarallo, C Kerbiriou, I Le Viol, JF Ponge, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 171, 25-32, 2013
Bat activity in intensively farmed landscapes with wind turbines and offset measures
L Millon, JF Julien, R Julliard, C Kerbiriou
Ecological Engineering 75, 250-257, 2015
Ecological equivalence assessment methods: what trade-offs between operationality, scientific basis and comprehensiveness?
L Bezombes, S Gaucherand, C Kerbiriou, ME Reinert, T Spiegelberger
Environmental management 60, 216-230, 2017
Large-scale semi-automated acoustic monitoring allows to detect temporal decline of bush-crickets
A Jeliazkov, Y Bas, C Kerbiriou, JF Julien, C Penone, I Le Viol
Global Ecology and Conservation 6, 208-218, 2016
Plant and spider communities benefit differently from the presence of planted hedgerows in highway verges
I Le Viol, R Julliard, C Kerbiriou, L De Redon, N Carnino, N Machon, ...
Biological conservation 141 (6), 1581-1590, 2008
論文 1–20