Hyun Kim
Gaussian yolov3: An accurate and fast object detector using localization uncertainty for autonomous driving
J Choi, D Chun, H Kim, HJ Lee
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International conference on computer vision, 502-511, 2019
A high-throughput and power-efficient FPGA implementation of YOLO CNN for object detection
DT Nguyen, TN Nguyen, H Kim, HJ Lee
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 27 (8 …, 2019
Zero-centered fixed-point quantization with iterative retraining for deep convolutional neural network-based object detectors
S Kim, H Kim
IEEE Access 9, 20828-20839, 2021
Layer-specific optimization for mixed data flow with mixed precision in FPGA design for CNN-based object detectors
DT Nguyen, H Kim, HJ Lee
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 31 (6), 2450-2464, 2020
An approximate memory architecture for a reduction of refresh power consumption in deep learning applications
DT Nguyen, H Kim, HJ Lee, IJ Chang
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1-5, 2018
An approximate memory architecture for energy saving in deep learning applications
DT Nguyen, NH Hung, H Kim, HJ Lee
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 67 (5), 1588-1601, 2020
Uncertainty-based object detector for autonomous driving embedded platforms
J Choi, D Chun, HJ Lee, H Kim
2020 2nd IEEE international conference on artificial intelligence circuits …, 2020
FP-AGL: Filter Pruning with Adaptive Gradient Learning for Accelerating Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
NJ Kim, H Kim
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022
A high-definition LIDAR system based on two-mirror deflection scanners
XT Nguyen, HJ Lee, H Kim
IEEE Sensors Journal 18 (2), 559-568, 2017
An effective DRAM address remapping for mitigating rowhammer errors
M Kim, J Choi, H Kim, HJ Lee
IEEE Transactions on Computers 68 (10), 1428-1441, 2019
Gaussianmask: Uncertainty-aware instance segmentation based on gaussian modeling
SI Lee, H Kim
2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 3851-3857, 2022
A low-cost and high-throughput FPGA implementation of the retinex algorithm for real-time video enhancement
JW Park, H Lee, B Kim, DG Kang, SO Jin, H Kim, HJ Lee
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 28 (1), 101-114, 2019
PCM: precision-controlled memory system for energy efficient deep neural network training
B Kim, SH Lee, H Kim, DT Nguyen, MS Le, IJ Chang, D Kwon, JH Yoo, ...
2020 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE …, 2020
Dedicated fpga implementation of the gaussian tinyyolov3 accelerator
S Ki, J Park, H Kim
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 70 (10), 3882-3886, 2023
SPIHT algorithm with adaptive selection of compression ratio depending on DWT coefficients
H Kim, A No, HJ Lee
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 20 (12), 3200-3211, 2018
Integration and boost of a read-modify-write module in phase change memory system
H Lee, M Kim, H Kim, H Kim, HJ Lee
IEEE Transactions on Computers 68 (12), 1772-1784, 2019
Theory and applications of smart cameras
CM Kyung
Springer Netherlands, 2016
A low-power surveillance video coding system with early background subtraction and adaptive frame memory compression
H Kim, HJ Lee
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 63 (4), 359-367, 2017
ROI-based LiDAR sampling algorithm in on-road environment for autonomous driving
XT Nguyen, KT Nguyen, HJ Lee, H Kim
IEEE Access 7, 90243-90253, 2019
Hardware-friendly logarithmic quantization with mixed-precision for mobilenetv2
D Choi, H Kim
2022 IEEE 4th international conference on artificial intelligence circuits …, 2022
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