Gerd Reis
Current and future applications of machine and deep learning in urology: a review of the literature on urolithiasis, renal cell carcinoma, and bladder and prostate cancer
R Suarez-Ibarrola, S Hein, G Reis, C Gratzke, A Miernik
World journal of urology 38 (10), 2329-2347, 2020
A survey on synchronous augmented, virtual, andmixed reality remote collaboration systems
A Schäfer, G Reis, D Stricker
ACM Computing Surveys 55 (6), 1-27, 2022
Extended coherent point drift algorithm with correspondence priors and optimal subsampling
V Golyanik, B Taetz, G Reis, D Stricker
2016 IEEE winter conference on applications of computer vision (WACV), 1-9, 2016
Deep convolutional networks for snapshot hypercpectral demosaicking
TA Habtegebrial, G Reis, D Stricker
2019 10th Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing: Evolution …, 2019
Controlling teleportation-based locomotion in virtual reality with hand gestures: a comparative evaluation of two-handed and one-handed techniques
A Schäfer, G Reis, D Stricker
Electronics 10 (6), 715, 2021
A full-spherical device for simultaneous geometry and reflectance acquisition
J Köhler, T Nöll, G Reis, D Stricker
2013 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 355-362, 2013
Mixed reality applications in urology: requirements and future potential
G Reis, M Yilmaz, J Rambach, A Pagani, R Suarez-Ibarrola, A Miernik, ...
Annals of Medicine and Surgery 66, 2021
Non-manifold mesh extraction from time-varying segmented volumes used for modeling a human heart.
M Bertram, G Reis, RH van Lengen, S Köhn, H Hagen
EuroVis, 199-206, 2005
Portable ultrasound research system for use in automated bladder monitoring with machine-learning-based segmentation
M Fournelle, T Grün, D Speicher, S Weber, M Yilmaz, D Schoeb, ...
Sensors 21 (19), 6481, 2021
Salt: A semi-automatic labeling tool for rgb-d video sequences
D Stumpf, S Krauß, G Reis, O Wasenmüller, D Stricker
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.10820, 2021
Robust Outlier Removal from Point Clouds Acquired with Structured Light.
J Köhler, T Nöll, G Reis, D Stricker
Eurographics (Short Papers), 21-24, 2012
Fully automatic, omnidirectional acquisition of geometry and appearance in the context of cultural heritage preservation
T Nöll, J Köhler, G Reis, D Stricker
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 8 (1), 1-28, 2015
Comparing controller with the hand gestures pinch and grab for picking up and placing virtual objects
A Schäfer, G Reis, D Stricker
2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and …, 2022
Rpsrnet: End-to-end trainable rigid point set registration network using barnes-hut 2d-tree representation
SA Ali, K Kahraman, G Reis, D Stricker
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Controlling continuous locomotion in virtual reality with bare hands using hand gestures
A Schäfer, G Reis, D Stricker
International Conference on Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality, 191-205, 2022
Real-time energy efficient hand pose estimation: A case study
MR Al Koutayni, V Rybalkin, J Malik, A Elhayek, C Weis, G Reis, N Wehn, ...
Sensors 20 (10), 2828, 2020
Anygesture: Arbitrary one-handed gestures for augmented, virtual, and mixed reality applications
A Schäfer, G Reis, D Stricker
Applied Sciences 12 (4), 1888, 2022
Deepedgesoc: End-to-end deep learning framework for edge iot devices
MR Al Koutayni, G Reis, D Stricker
Internet of Things 21, 100665, 2023
Stable intrinsic auto-calibration from fundamental matrices of devices with uncorrelated camera parameters
T Fetzer, G Reis, D Stricker
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2020
Towards a virtual echocardiographic tutoring system
G Reis, B Lappé, S Köhn, C Weber, M Bertram, H Hagen
Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences, 99-119, 2008
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