Sebastien Candel
Sebastien Candel
University professor emeritus, CentraleSupelec, University Paris-Saclay
確認したメール アドレス: centralesupelec.fr
A review of active control of combustion instabilities
KR McManus, T Poinsot, SM Candel
Progress in energy and combustion science 19 (1), 1-29, 1993
Combustion dynamics and control: Progress and challenges
S Candel
Proceedings of the combustion institute 29 (1), 1-28, 2002
Combustion control and sensors: a review
N Docquier, S Candel
Progress in energy and combustion science 28 (2), 107-150, 2002
Flame stretch and the balance equation for the flame area
SM Candel, TJ Poinsot
Combustion Science and Technology 70 (1-3), 1-15, 1990
Vortex-driven acoustically coupled combustion instabilities
TJ Poinsot, AC Trouve, DP Veynante, SM Candel, EJ Esposito
Journal of fluid mechanics 177, 265-292, 1987
A unified framework for nonlinear combustion instability analysis based on the flame describing function
N Noiray, D Durox, T Schuller, S Candel
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 615, 139-167, 2008
Acoustic disturbance from gas non-uniformities convected through a nozzle
FE Marble, SM Candel
Journal of sound and vibration 55 (2), 225-243, 1977
A unified model for the prediction of laminar flame transfer functions: comparisons between conical and V-flame dynamics
T Schuller, D Durox, S Candel
Combustion and flame 134 (1-2), 21-34, 2003
Combustion dynamics and instabilities: Elementary coupling and driving mechanisms
S Ducruix, T Schuller, D Durox, S Candel
Journal of propulsion and power 19 (5), 722-734, 2003
Quenching processes and premixed turbulent combustion diagrams
T Poinsot, D Veynante, S Candel
Journal of Fluid mechanics 228, 561-606, 1991
The combined dynamics of swirler and turbulent premixed swirling flames
P Palies, D Durox, T Schuller, S Candel
Combustion and flame 157 (9), 1698-1717, 2010
Dynamics of swirling flames
S Candel, D Durox, T Schuller, JF Bourgouin, JP Moeck
Annual review of fluid mechanics 46 (1), 147-173, 2014
Theoretical and experimental determinations of the transfer function of a laminar premixed flame
S Ducruix, D Durox, S Candel
Proceedings of the combustion institute 28 (1), 765-773, 2000
Dynamics of flame/vortex interactions
PH Renard, D Thevenin, JC Rolon, S Candel
Progress in energy and combustion science 26 (3), 225-282, 2000
Stochastic approach to noise modeling for free turbulent flows
W Bechara, C Bailly, P Lafon, SM Candel
AIAA journal 32 (3), 455-463, 1994
Combustion instabilities coupled by pressure waves and their active control
SM Candel
Symposium (International) on Combustion 24 (1), 1277-1296, 1992
Experimental analysis of nonlinear flame transfer functions for different flame geometries
D Durox, T Schuller, N Noiray, S Candel
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (1), 1391-1398, 2009
Applications of direct numerical simulation to premixed turbulent combustion
T Poinsot, S Candel, A Trouvé
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 21 (6), 531-576, 1995
Calculations of high-order harmonic-generation processes in xenon at 1064 nm
A L’Huillier, P Balcou, S Candel, KJ Schafer, KC Kulander
Physical Review A 46 (5), 2778, 1992
Systematic measurements of OH chemiluminescence for fuel-lean, high-pressure, premixed, laminar flames
B Higgins, MQ McQuay, F Lacas, JC Rolon, N Darabiha, S Candel
Fuel 80 (1), 67-74, 2001
論文 1–20