Ruba Alkadhi
Ruba Alkadhi
Faculty, KSAU-HS
確認したメール アドレス: ksau-hs.edu.sa
The role of lip thickness in upper lip response to sagittal change of incisor position
RM Alkadhi, MD Finkelman, CA Trotman, G Kanavakis
Orthodontics & craniofacial research 22 (1), 53-57, 2019
A clinical investigation of the relationship between the quality of conventional complete dentures and the patients’ quality of life
SA Alfadda, HA Al-Fallaj, HA Al-Banyan, RM Al-Kadhi
The Saudi dental journal 27 (2), 93-98, 2015
Dental students and faculty perceptions of teaching methods: traditional classes, online virtual classes, and recorded lectures
HA Alfallaj, RM Alkadhi, SN Alfuriji, AA Alfadley, J Aleksejuniene
Bentham Open, 2021
Estudiantes de odontología y percepciones de los profesores sobre los métodos de enseñanza: tradicional Clases, clases virtuales en línea y conferencias grabadas
HA Alfallaj, RM Alkadhi, SN Alfuriji, AA Alfadley, J Aleksejūnienė
The Open Dentistry Journal 15 (1), 348-356, 2021
Severe obstructive sleep apnea managed with mandibular advancement device in pediatrics: an interdisciplinary case report
DM Ptak, R Alkadhi, IH Tae, LP Correa
Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine 6 (2), 10.15331, 2019
Optimizing Prosthodontic Care with Orthodontic Mechanotherapeutics
H Alfallaj, R Alkadhi, S Alfuriji, FF Farook, A Alzaid
Integrated Clinical Orthodontics, 427-446, 2023
Evaluation of oral health literacy among medical interns in Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study
R Alkadhi, AT Ali, K Alotaibi, R Alhassoun, L AlNojaidi, N Alharbi, ...
Saudi Journal of Oral Sciences 10 (3), 151-156, 2023
Dental students' perceptions and academic performance in a preclinical fixed prosthodontics course delivered remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic
H Alfallaj, R Alkadhi, N Shaheen
Saudi Journal of Oral Sciences 8 (3), 177-183, 2021
論文 1–8